part 19 (engagement part 1)

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I am really nervous today its my engagement oh god from now i have so much of responsibility, i cant even believe that today is my engagement, after our first date i could not meet my Ms. Fairy due to my practice session and we could not even talk in phone with each other after ten days i am going to see her, i missed her alot her cute red nose, her big doe eyes, her pink lips which i feel like kissing it daily oh god karthik now a days you dont have shame always thinking about only kisses my thoughts were broke by virat yes my full team came yesterday itself to irritate me and to make me more nervous, everyone were their except sachin bhai he is coming today evening directly to the venue again my thoughts were broke by virat who asked.

VIRAT : are you nervous buddy ?

He asked with a naughty smile where as i gave a dead glare all started laughing mahi bhai came and said.

MAHI BHAI : oh god boy you are this much nervous than think about your Ms. Fairy who will be nervous more than you.

Ya whatever he said is right i took my phone and called her she pickedup in one go and said cheerfully but virat snatched my phone and put it in speaker and made me speak

PRIYA : hi bahu whatup you called me ?

She said and all my team were suppressing their laughter after hearing bahu from her i said her.

KARTHIK : cant you stop call me bahu and i thought you will be nervous but i dont think so you are nervous.

Her reply made me smile

PRIYA : why should i be nervous i am really excited to get married secretly and the best part is no one will know that i am your wife it will be full of fun bahu and dont say me that you are nervous like a freaking shy girl.

She said i saw my team who are laughing like a hell and she again continued

PRIYA : you know anushka and sakshi bhabhi are here They are really very sweet even raina bhai wife everyone are helping me out but atlast they got tired and are sleeping now.

Suddenly virat shouted

VIRAT : what happened to my wife she never sleeps like that.

Which made me smile and said him

KARTHIK : oh it wont be anushka fault priya would have been talking talking talking that they got tired by listening to her blabbers.

PRIYA : oh Mr. Bahu what do you think of yourself haan i never talk so much you know i am a very good girl, such a sweet girl and you are talkative not me 

I giggled seeing her irratated voice i just wanted to pinch her nose when she is irritated when i was about to talk my team said bye to priya and cut the call saying i have to get ready i gave them a dead glare for cutting the girl soon i got ready in silver colour sherwani

I giggled seeing her irratated voice i just wanted to pinch her nose when she is irritated when i was about to talk my team said bye to priya and cut the call saying i have to get ready i gave them a dead glare for cutting the girl soon i got read...

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