part 18

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I gotup soon and got ready in white plain T shirt and blue jeans and saw the time it was 8 in morning i got ready fast and said my parents bye and i sate in my violet colour scooty and went to karthik house, i rang the bell bhabhi came and opened the door i greeted her.

PRIYA : good morning bhabhi and good morning sweety i said this caressing her tummy. She smiled and said

BHABHI : good morning your prince charming is still sleeping go and wake him up and he wont wake up easily so try hard.

I smiled at her and nodded my head and went to his room he was sleeping like a donkey i smiled evilly slowly i took my kajal, lipstick from my bag and started putting make up for karthik and took his pictures i saw him still sleeping so i slowly went near his ears and shouted.

PRIYA : tsunami tsunami

I shouted and throwed a bucket full of water on him which made him to get up while he was also shouting

KARTHIK : ah tsunami mummy daddy tsunami.

He shouted i bursted into laughter where as he saw me with a horrified expression he was really looking cute with make up on and water dripping, i took a snap of him again in this pose where as he shouted he was really looking cute.

KARTHIK : what the hell is this priya.

PRIYA : this is known as prank mister get ready fast we have to go out.

KARTHIK : but i have practice.

PRIYA : that you can go tomorrow so get ready fast.

He nodded like a kid and went to washroom and he again shouted while i started running she started chasing me shouting at me.

KARTHIK : priya i am not going to spare you for putting makeup on me.

He said this and chasing me i went to living room where everyone were drinking coffee all smiled seeing me but after seeing karthik all started to roll on the floor laughing, i atlast hided behind mom and mom scolded karthik.

MOM : karthik stop chasing her and get ready soon go.

Mom said he went sliently but i got a message from him.

KARTHIK : now i am leaving you because everyone are their but when we are alone i will not leave you.

He said i smiled after half a hour he came in white T shirt and blue jeans just like me, we said bye to our parents and left.

I took my scooty and asked him to sit back and he replied.

KARTHIK : do you think i will sit back ah i will drive.

He said and i replied

PRIYA : who is taking you on date me right so i will drive you sit behind and put this helmet so no one will identify you.

I said he sighed and sat behind me and put his hands on my waist which made me feel different when his hands touched my skin it feel really good when he touches me.

now we were outskirt of the city so i asked him to remove his helmet and feel the breeze, my hair were flying because of the breeze he slowly caught my hair which made me smile seeing his care, i saw him from the rear he was looking hot, he was enjoying the breeze like a 5 year old kid.
I stopped my scooty near a beach which was silent no one was their yes no one knows this beach much so i took him here so that he does not feel himself as a cricketer he feel as a person from a middle class family.

He looked at me with a shocked expression and said.

KARTHIK : you know after i became a cricketer i have never come to chennai beach because it is always crowded i used to feel bad i used to feel why i was a cricketer sometimes of course when we go for match we used to go their but in chennai after so many years i am coming today only this is the best date ever first you took me in scooty and now beach thank alot.

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