part 42

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I am sleeping like a donkey suddenly some throwed water on me and it was none other than karthik how dare he wait and watch what i will do, oh no i cant do anything for this 1 days thats why he is doing this.


KARTHIK : priya as i won this game you should listen what ever i say so tomorrow you should behave like a sanskari wife (homely wife).


i should not have said okay to him now he is using this opportunity to tease me idiot tomorrow he will be dead from my hands for sure.

My thoughts were broken by him who snaped at me, i looked at him and smiled evilly and said in my mind.

PRIYA : today do whatever you want tomorrow you are dead Mr. Karthik chander.

He gave me a what look when i saw him with a evil smile i shooked my head and went to take shower i came out in pink palazzo and violet colour top and he said me.

KARTHIK : what kind of dress is this sanskari girl wear only saree so go and change into saree.

I gave him a dead glare but nodded my head and took a yellow colour saree and i drapped my saree.

Karthik came close to me and hugged me from back tightly making me smile, he broke the hug and moved my hairs from my back to my shoulder and started kissing my bare back making me clutch my saree tightly he slowly took the dori of my blouse and tied it and kissed it making me smile and he wispered in my ears.

KARTHIK : sanskari wife feels shy when her husband is near her, but look at you, who is smiling when i am near.

I controlled my anger and acted like i am feeling shy and i slowly said while blinking my eyes rapidly.

PRIYA : ji i have to go and help mom in cooking can i go.

I said this without looking at him i acted like feeling shy and i took my pallu and started playing with it.

I looked at him who was shocked seeing me i could not control my laughter so i bited my inner cheeks to control he came to sense and said

KARTHIK : yes you can go but before that sanskari wife takes blessing from their husband.

I controlled my anger and slowly bended to take his blessing but he stopped and said.

KARTHIK : my blessing will always be with you.

I nodded and was about to go he holded my hands i controlled my laughter and said like feeling shy.

PRIYA : ji please leave my hand na i have to go and help mom.

I said he came closer to me and said.

KARTHIK : okay give me a kiss you can go.

PRIYA : ji how can i kiss you, i am a shy girl and a sanskari wife na ji so i cant kiss you.

KARTHIK : sanskari wife listen what ever her husband says.

I sighed he is not going to leave me so i said acting like feeling shy

PRIYA : ji close your eyes i will kiss you.

He nodded and closed his eyes i went near his lips took a deep breath near his lips and blowed the breath on his lips and moved to his cheeks and kissed him their making him open his eyes widely i controlled my laughter and ran from our room and came out.

i said to myself

PRIYA : its fun acting like a sanskari wife and karthik face was worth watching when i acted like feeling shy.

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