part 46

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i was sleeping peacefully just than i felt weight on my body i could not even able to move i opened my eyes and saw priya kept her books on my stomach her one book will be like 10 books. Their was 10 books on me which was damn heavy than priya i looked at priya and gave her a glare who sat on me now i said.

KARTHIK : already the books are weight now you are also sitting i think i will become a paper.

I said she gave me a dead glare i looked at the time it was night 10 i gave her a look like are you mad and asked her.

KARTHIK : priya are you mad its 10 in night why are you waking me up.

She gave me a look like are you mad and said me.

PRIYA : karthik are you mad tomorrow is your parents anniversary wont you wish them at 12.

Yeah she said is correct how can i forget to wish my parents i nodded my head and asked her

KARTHIK : So what are you planning.

She started saying a long list of work which made me shock.

PRIYA : see karthik, shreya is going to decorate and bhai is going to help her, i am going to bake cake so you are going to help me, bhabhi is rapping the gift and keep our gift ready okay.

I nodded my head like a baby she pulled my cheeks and said

PRIYA : thats like my baby come fast lets start our work.

She said i looked at her and showed my stomach which is filled with her books she giggled looking at me making me glare her, she slowly took her books and was about to go i pulled her she landed on my laps i started kisding her cheeks making her cheeks turn red i moved her hairs on other side and started kissing her neck, i bited on her neck making her moan my name, i sucked the biten area so that it eases the pain she slowly asked me.

PRIYA : karthik what are you doing.

I looked at her closed eyes and replied to her huskily

KARTHIK : you only said na lets start our work thats what i am doing see i am a good husband who follow their wife order.

I said she looked at me and asked me.

PRIYA : really you a good husband.

i smiled and said

KARTHIK : i dont like to appreciate myself but i am a good husband.

She giggled and said

PRIYA : you are a good husband my dear drama queen.

I gave her a dead glare and said.

KARTHIK : i am not drama queen i am drama king.

She giggled and kissed my both the cheeks and was about to getup i again pulled her and asked

KARTHIK : why so much love today.

She giggled and said

PRIYA : because i have to make you work na so if i give kisses you will work like a good husband.

I hit my forehead she started laughing holding her stomach i throwed pillow on her she gave me a dead glare and even she throwed pillow on me, i throwed 2 pillows on her she throwed 3 pillows on me

I hit my forehead she started laughing holding her stomach i throwed pillow on her she gave me a dead glare and even she throwed pillow on me, i throwed 2 pillows on her she throwed 3 pillows on me

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