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"Baby. I'm sorry i couldn't save you." Looking down at my side i can see blood oozing out of me. My vision started to blur, people became shapes.

"daddy. I love you" I smile up to my dad, my hero.

"i love you too baby. Stay still okay i am just going to help the others then i will be back!" Nodding i watch dad walk away.

Ive managed to stay awake but not for long as i can feel my eyes falling. The last thing i saw was a woman's face surrounded by trees and the bluey coloured sky. Huh.


Opening my eye i can see a white room including the floor. Im laid in the centre on a bed with two chairs to my right. Where am i? What happened?

The door squeaked as it slowly cracked open. A very pretty lady walked in and sat next to me.

"his sweetie. I'm gonna be your new mom!" She holds my hand but all i can think of is my dad.

"What happened to daddy?"

"He left you. He went to fight, but if i hadn't of saved you then you would have died sweetie. Your going to live with me until your better okay?" I nod my head as she pecks a kiss on my forehead leaving me to sleep.

I will see daddy soon. Ouchie! Looking at my side i have a huge bite mark on my stomach. That will go. I love you daddy. I say before going to sleep.

The Alphas DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now