Sadie Hawkins

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This was meant to publish last night but it hasn't done it so sorry guys, but here you go .

~kind of sexual from start~

Its not uncommon for my teacher to not see me. I usually go in the morning to get my mark but I'm gone by second period. The days when i have dance are usually the ones where i'm there all day.

Whats the point when i know i will get an A at the end anyway. How do i know?? Well i manipulate my teachers of course. It gets what i want so why not.

Looking in the mirror today was less appealing than yesterday. Why? Thats because the shimmer of time has lengthened to my shoulder. Yesterday it was my disappeared hand, today an arm, tomorrow my torso perhaps?! No body has noticed, so i think its a personal thing that only i can see.

Finishing my look of the day with sunglasses and a beach wave through my hair i stroll out to my car just to be stopped at the door. Whipping my head around with attitude i realise its Danny. Hmm okay i don't mind being interrupted by him. Stop the dirty thoughts April! My wolf echoes through my head.

"Hey i was just about to go."

"Yep your coming with me!"

A soft hand wraps around my mouth as his other arm drags me out the house. Kidnapping is not cool. After closing the door to his Black BMW he joins me on the other side.

Pulling out of the garage he lays his hand on my thigh, claiming me as his even though everyone knows that. Teasing me, his hand trails slowly down my leg pulling slightly at the hem. Craving more of his touch i etch closer towards him, gaining a growl. With his eyes still on the road his hand slips inside my tribal leggings.

A smirk arrived on his face, pleased that he can have such an effect on me. His actions grow stronger when a moan escaped my mouth, instantly causing my hand to reach my mouth.

"Thats payback for teasing me Dal face."

Luckily for me just as it had started it stopped, for me had pulled into the parking lot. Now able to move, i jump onto his lap. Our lips met within seconds, although this time pressing myself stronger and stronger onto his groin.

Laughing we both got out the car, him leading me to our group of friends. The possessive stares telling others i'm his would be annoying to others but its adorable to me.

Even when we were only stood next to each other just talking to both our friends his hand did not budge from around my waist. Tessa gaze travelled from his hand to my face asking the big question Have you two mated yet? Flicking my hair to the side exposes my bare unmarked neck. Not yet.

"Bye boys me and April are off!" Dragging me away from Danny he was so adorable with his puppy dog eyes pleading me to not go.

"Find me at lunch okay!?" Nodding he carried on his conversation as Tessa tugged me indoors.

"why haven't you mated yet!?" She asks with a huge shocked expression.

"i don't know, but my god have we gotten close! He was pretty much fingering me in the car this morning!!" Her mouth agape i roll my eyes and pull her towards homeroom.

Walking out of homeroom i head straight to the gym. I'm ditching English first because Danny has an extra class of gym this morning to practice for this Fridays game. He's playing in the Sadie Hawkins football game on Friday, the game before the dance. SHIT THE DANCE!

"i haven't asked Danny to the dance!" I shout standing right in front of Tessa. Theres me freaking out while Tessa's all calm, she would totally be my beta!

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