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Danny's POV

Walking back to the pack house the atmosphere was different to what you would expect after winning a war. It was depressing. I can't even say it without crying or my wolf howling.

The mothers cried with happiness when their mates came back unharmed. Why couldn't that be me? Oh yeah because i'm the only one who's mate died!

Unable to even face anyone i walked straight to my room. I regretted it as soon as i walked in because it smelt so much of her! If i could bottle this up i would.

I've thought about our last kiss, the way it tasted. How i long to have her in my arms. Yet i will never.

Why! Why did she have to go and do such a thing!? We could have had a life together, there are other ways to end a war.

Is it crazy to say i wanted two kids! A boy and a girl. I bet our daughter would look as much like her. But i can't have that now can i!

Spinning around in my mental argument i see an envelope on the bed, along with Aprils large bouquet of roses i bought her. Turning it over the envelope read Everyone.

Ripping open the envelope i smiled at her hand writing. My beautiful girl.

Dear Everyone,
Well i should really say dear Danny because after all its gonna be you who reads it first. So here goes.

Dear Danny,
I'm sorry it had to end this way. No i did not commit suicide. When i was kidnapped i was injected with wolfsbane. Slowly it started to kill me.
I never wanted to leave but i had to. Therefore, i wasn't going to leave without that bastard coming with me.
I have left a letter for everyone with a surprise inside. They will find it in a place we shared a memory together. Of course i cant write a letter to everyone in the pack so theres one for them all in my top draw. You found it? Good. Read that to them all for me, thanks.
Inside this letter there is a list of things i want you to do for me. They are all for my funeral. Thats next Sunday. Yes i have already booked it. I can certainly say the woman was frightened when the person booking the funeral was the person who was dying! Haha okay not the right time.
Thats all for now baby. I will reveal all when you get your letter don't worry!
Love you

I finished reading the letter to her father mother and Tessa. Them all crying to know she loved them and had one final thing to say to them all.

A look on their faces suggested they knew where to go. Me on the other hand had no idea where to go. We have had many moments together. They all had no significance of a huge memory to be honest.

We split from our little meeting, all going our separate ways. I had a feeling they all went to search for their letters, but i just headed to my room to sleep the rest of the day off.


hey peeps!

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