Land of the Living

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We spent like 4 hours chasing and fighting. Okay well more like submission because i won everytime!

I still can't believe i missed all of this. I could have had an amazing childhood but i had been lucky to experience another family's view on life.

But right now i want what i could have had back. Theres one thing that links both lives together. Dancing. And haven't been doing very much of that lately.

~hey dad you know that dance studio you used to take me. Do they still do lessons?~ A

~wow you can still remember that! I would love to take you. In fact we could go right now.~ D

~REALLY! Please please please pleeeeeease!!~ A

~hun me and April are going into town i'll see you in a few.~

Biting dads tail, we give each other the same look. Race? And we did. Of course i won as always but i think he let me win. Typical dad thing to do.

He waited in the living room while i ran to get dressed. Jumping into my leotard and tights i pelt it downstairs to dad. He didn't even need to do anything i grabbed the keys pulled him along and pushed him into the drivers seat.

"It'll be just like old times." Dad says smiling at me while driving.

"yep. This is our thing, our place, and no one can take it away from us."

Dad just chuckled when i ran into the studio, following along behind me.

I told the receptionist my age but unfortunately there were no spaces. Instead i booked a private studio and she passed me the keys.

Turning around i see dads talking to one of the older men in our pack. Grabbing dads attention i pointed to the keys an mouthed 42, the room number. He nods and i walk towards my room.

But standing outside the door something isn't right. The air feels, cold and stale. Seeing dad shiver i know he feels it too. Alpha blood taking control i storm into the room.

In the window with his feet kicked up onto the wall lays a man. Probably mid 40's.

"Welcome back to the land of the living sweet cheeks." My wolf growls at him.

"who are you and how do you know me?" I had to forcefully clench my fists to stop from ripping his throat out. Why do i feel this way?

"i'm the one who changed your life April. Do you not remember me?" His evil chuckle echoes through the room.

"its such a shame you know my name but i don't know yours." Sarcasm laced through my words which made him twitch.

"watch you mouth you don't know who your talking too!" Well well well he's got a short temper.

"thats precisely why i asked what your name was you thick twat." He shows his teeth and snarls intending on me to cower. Really an alpha cower!?

Spinning my head to see my dad at the threshold of the door. Turning back around he's no longer there.

Feeling unsafe, i hop over to the window to close and lock it.

Time to do what i came here to do.


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