3 Days pt 2

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English, gym, history, lunch, math, art, dance. There my lessons for the day. Bot too bad to be honest, the bad lessons are spread out i guess.

I have no reason to be at a locker so i might as well walk into lesson. Taking the seat at the back of the room on the left corner. Rocking back on my chair i kick the table further away so i can sit back. Like i care.

As people fill in the room everyones gaze grazed mine as they take their seats, whispering sooner followed. Seeing there are only three tables left it looks like i've taken someones seat.

You could hear the gum before you saw it. Plump pink 7in heels followed by a leg clearly covered in fake tan. Back leather a hand length skirt and a disgusting face to follow them all.

Hmm lets call them the cakes. They cover their face in so much makeup it might as well be icing, they would certainly be more attractive that way.

The same girls and lads from the group near my car, although one followed along behind who i hadn't seen before.

His thick blonde hair urges me to run my fingers through it. A shiver rushes down my spine at the thought. Scraping my eyes away from the hunk i can see the head cake in front of my face.

"what do want?" I say a little too loud to get everyones attention.

Sticking out, her pushed up breasts with a hand on her hip "your in my seat."

Getting up turning the chair around in the air, "i don't see your name on it. Here let me clarify who's it is." Scribbling my name on the chair showing it to her face, i sit back down triumphant.

"Miss west take a seat." The teacher bitterly speaks to Head cake. "Danny take a seat next to our new comer."

SHIT! Blonde gets to sit next to me. Haha he's going to have to move my feet to sit down.

"you gonna move?" He asks gesturing towards my feet.

"you gonna move me?" A smirk clear on my face at the little flirty invitation.
Gentle soft hands lift my feet up in the air. My jeans slipping up my leg at the hight, revealing skin. While placing my feet safely back down on his knee our skin brush each others.

Instant fire burns up my leg. Leaving a lightening sensation. Shock, hope, lust freezes in my body. Looking at each others reaction says it all really.

We're mates.

Pulling me close he whispers in my ear slowly and seductive. "whats your name beautiful?"

"April." Respelling my name causes me to shudder.

Turning away from my mate i see a lad answering a question on the board. But he misspells the most obvious word ever, misinterpreted. Like seriously he spelt it misenterpritated. Glancing at my table i see a dictionary. hmm heres my opportunity.

Jumping up, my chair screeched across the floor gaining everyones attention. Including the teachers.
"U wanna be smart ass? Then here." Throwing the dictionary at him, landing in his gut with some force. "then learn how to fucking spell retard!!"

"April Jones outside right now!!" The teacher bellows throughout the classroom.

"Pleasure. Come you're coming with me" Grabbing hold of Danny's hand, no say in the matter.

Walking down the hallway i'm just realising now that i have no idea where i'm going "take me to the gym" The corner of his lips twitch with pleasure, weird. Strongly taking my hand he pulls me in the right direction.

Once there he automatically stops while spinning me under his arm so I'm in front of him.

He grabs my waist and pulls me even closer towards him. Watching his gaze pass from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes again. If it wasn't for my werewolf hearing i wouldn't have heard the little purr escaping his lips. Soft fingers stroke the side of my face as i lean into the touch, positioning my head for the perfect kiss.

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