Dun Dun Derrrr

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With my hair curled to perfection thanks to her royal highness. Yes i am on about Tessa.

She has planned everything at the pack house. She said it was an apology for her actions yesterday yet she could care less to be honest.

Danny was so pleased when he heard because he thinks i will stay at the pack house. Ha heck no. I'm making my speech then leaving. Okay i might make out with Danny in the meantime but thats natural.

I actually can't believe i'm going back. I said i would never but you can't really leave things undone can you?

Admiring my dress in the mirror i'm quite proud of my appearance. Red dress, red lipstick, hair curled. You could say i'm perfect but the truth would be that i'm far from it.

The idea of the night was for me to stay towards the back of everybody, so no one really notices me. Then when the announcement is made i am to stay to the back but make an entrance when the time is right.

Tessa said shes gonna look out for me and give me the signal. If your wondering shes going to ring my phone so it vibrates to tell me.

To say i'm nervous is an understatement. What if none of them believe me? Fingers crossed hey.

Driving down the familiar roads seemed strange. The feeling in the air was different this time. More excitement than sadness.

Slowly and quietly parking my car, i squeeze past all the people in the entrance, making sure to not make any eye contact. Tessa orders.

Everyone knows that the least amount of people in a party is always the kitchen. They're always either making out or grabbing a drink then walking away. So thats where i'm heading first.

Looking around theres a balcony with a set of stairs down both sides. Tessa says this will be where the announcement is made. I so need to be close by just not here or its obvious. With everyone heading towards the hallway bellow the stairs i walk away from the stairs.

Stepping through the archway shows a dinning table on the left and an open kitchen on the right. Luckily theres a window seat on the other side of the table. If i sit there and be quite I'm less likely to be noticed when people come for a drink.

An arm wraps around me just before i take my seat. Adrenaline running and my heart rate speeding the person leans towards my ear.

"hush mate its only me." My whole body relaxed and fell almost into his arms. "I'm struggling to hold my wolf in just from the sight of you in your dress."

A smirk is evident on my face as i turn around to face him. Licking my lips at the sight of his suit. Hmm who's cares. Wrapping my arms around his neck i pull him towards me. Our lips connected in a strong lustful and needy kiss.

Only stopping to feel a vibration in my bra. What? Who wants a bag when all thats in there is your phone? The best place, your bra. I mumble on his lips that its only my phone.

Then realisation hit. The signal! Quickly breaking away he whimpered to which i pecked a little kiss on his nose. I unlock and answer my phone as fast as i possibly can.

"Hey! Sorry i was a little caught up." I said smiling at Danny's proud look on his face.

"Its about to begin so be read-" The sound of a glass clanging silenced Tessa.

Danny grabbed hold of my hand pulling me towards the sound until i pull back. I told him that i will meet him in there because i just need a drink.

Peeking around the corner Danny's making his way up the stairs to meet the alpha, i mean to meet dad. After All i'm alpha too.

"I am very happy to announce that another one of our proud members have found their mate." Dad said holding his arm out to Danny "The party tonight is to congratulate the couple."

Dad gave Danny a confused look and he replied with a gesture to show a drink. Oh he's saying i'm getting a drink.

"Well Danny says shes just getting a drink, perhaps a tad nervous." All the pack chuckle at his remark, until i silence them all.

"Nervous? Hmm not really" His face becomes serious as i come from behind the wall.

Some elders follow dads gaze towards me and gasp. Well i guess i won't have to explain, they seem to recognise me. A tear fell from dads eye, his gaze never leaving mine.

The young pack members start clapping as they clear a gap towards the stairwell. Slowly taking my time i walk down the gap towards the stairs, catching Tessa gaze along the way.

Danny met me half way taking my hand to guide me up the stairs. Mine and Dads gaze never broke.

"You can have the chance to meet her later but otherwise proceed with the party." He turns to us more specifically, me "April?" His tears are on borderline of falling.

"hey daddy." And thats when he broke down crying. Danny's face was of just pure shock.

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