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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Danny's POV (of last night)

I hated to see her cry. Ugh i want to know who's upset her and i will kill them!! I knew she wasn't going to tell me, neither will she tomorrow.

After watching her drive away i can see Alpha Don at the door. Whats he after??

"Is there a problem Alpha?" I ask walking closer towards him.

"Who was that rogue? And why was she on my land?"

"She is the alphas daughter from the scattered pack sir. Remember we were told she was coming to live in an old house of theirs?"

"ahh yes! She was meant to come to the house to introduce herself once she had settled in. Why hasn't she come yet do you know?"

"Oh um no sir. But she is my mate so she will at some point." The flash of excitement was evident in his eyes.

"Then you must bring her once we give our announcement tomorrow."

Nodding we walked into the house and went our separate ways. I mist remember to tell Tessa about the announcement tomorrow, she won't want to miss it...


Aprils POV (present day)

Having the girls over last night helped me loads! I completely forgot about my dad an they even actually cheered me up! I invited them over tonight is well but they all said they couldn't because of some meeting? I will definitely ask Danny what thats about...

Walking up to my calendar i can see the bid bold event for tomorrow, nothing for today just for tomorrow. All its says it TODAY with many many many vibrant red circles around it.

I could have needed some company to prepare myself tonight but nope everyones busy.

Driving into the school parking lot there aren't as many people outside as usual. Just my little group by my spot, including a gorgeous face waiting for me.

Jumping out the car i'm automatically engulfed in warm soft arms. Hmm Danny. "we need to talk." Danny whispers in my ear and i nod. After telling the girls i would meet them at break, me and Danny walked into school to find a quiet place to talk.

Walking into an empty and strangely open art room we stopped and he locked the door.

"Danny i'm fine i promise." He stares straight into my eyes while holding my hands so softly. Its like he thinks i'm going to smash like a glass vase. "your dad was at the door and it just made me think of my dad thats all."

Its obviously not his dad but i needed and excuse last night and thats all i came up with don't judge me.

"Oh that wasn't my dad that was the alpha. But you can talk to me about anything you know that." Stretching up to his height i land a little kiss on his nose while whispering


Tessa's POV (at the meeting)

Everyones worried about the meeting. As usual we are all huddled on the first floor waiting on the alpha to come to the balcony. Danny said i wouldn't want to miss it, but what would he mean by that!?

The loud mumbling ceases when someone coughs for our attention, the Alpha.

"Now. I have gathered you all here today to announce some bad news. A pack nearby has threatened to go to war with us." People gasp but me. I'm just angry. Last time we was fighting we lost April. "no need to worry because we are all innocent in the matter" I scoff under my breath, forgetting everyone can hear me.

With everyones eyes now on me, why not say what i have to say. "we're innocent, your not." A guard stepped up to the alpha i'm guessing to ask if he wants me to be escorted but he says "no i want to know what she has to say."

"You expect us to worry about a war when you know damn right what happened last time! Its 13 years tomorrow and you don't even care! How do you feel now shes gone? How do you feel now shes watching you live on? How do you feel now shes gone with what your actions has done! You can try, you can cry, you can plead but your not innocent." Seeing the guards step forward i know they're coming for me.

"maybe next time, you wont let it get that far, you'll shut your mouth coz you know what the consequences are! Its blood on your hands! I hope you realise now, you've killed her yourself!!" The guard grabs hold of my arm but i shake it off. "Its too late." Once again i pull my arm out his grasp and storm out the pack house.

Shifting into my wolf i run. The only place i know to go it Aprils. If it wasn't for her last name and coming from a different pack i would have thought she was the same April. Storming through the door i'm met by a surprised and shocked April.

She ran back up to her room and came back with clothes in he hand hinting for me to shift. Then she walked back into the living room. Quickly putting her comfy pjs on i join her in the living room, sitting right next to her.

She didn't even need to ask what was wrong i just blurted everything that just happened. Taking a deep and needed breath her face was filled with sadness and worry.

"Tessa... I'm not who you think i am..."

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