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Around 100 faces all sat around the huge pack table. They all watched as father and i walked into the room. Everyone bowed in respect, as usual.

"As you all know i have called this meeting in the agenda of war." Murmurs echoed throughout the room. "hush hush. April can tell us more."

Taking my fathers place was strange. I have never addressed a pack before. Suppose i don't have to get used to it. They deserve an explanation, but how? How am i supposed to explain without telling them i'm dying. Father would not let me join the war if he knew.

"i am a messenger of the Moon goddess. Yesterday afternoon a rock was thrown through our window with a message attached. The war is coming. I am coming. 'I' being Alpha wesley." Everyone gasped, for they all knew who he was.

"I was sent a message from the Moon Goddess. It showed the beginning of the battle. Unfortunately it did not show me the whole thing but i can guarantee you blood was not shed. And i will do as much as possible to make sure of that." Looking back at my father he knew i was finished.

Swapping places dad announced what he wanted everyone to do. Warriors split into groups and trained as hard as possible. They needed to be ready against the rouge pack.

When everyone was dismissed father turned to me, sadness evident in his eyes. "why is it that i got the feeling that that wasn't the whole story."

I sighed as he took a chair in front of me. "please tell me honey."

"i can't tell you daddy. You would be over the pack and thats a selfish act to do." Tears ran down my fathers cheeks, i went to wipe them away but he took my hand in his instead.

"i won't lose you in that field again. I can't."

"thats where your wrong. You was meant was meant to leave me in that field, i was destined to do greater things."

Unable to watch my father cry any longer i kissed his cheek then waved mother over. She had stood at the door once everyone had left. I know only a mates touch can sooth him right now.

Walking up to my room i see a draw open just a crack. Walking up i see my words left safely in a draw.


Walking towards an unfamiliar pack house, i smiled at its beauty. Not a huge house because they don't have a huge pack. A white modern house with little grey shutter on every window, was hidden behind a little hill.

My feet crunched with every step on the gravel stones on the drive. Just as my hand was about to knock the door swung open. A sweet little face greeted me at the door.

"hello again Al." Smiling she welcomed me in. "now i'm not here for long, but i have a favour for you."


"Come to the house next Sunday, but wear black."

"why black?"

"Because its a funeral. The favour i ask is if you could give this to Danny at the reception."

"of course i will." I handed her the letter and she placed it in a draw safe an sound.

"random question. Do you have a mate?" Laughing she shook her head "i see. I must be off, talk soon okay?"


I just gave you a clue to the ending!! Who can guess what happens??

Anyway hope you enjoyed it!


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