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Dons POV

Excusing myself from the meeting, much to their dismay, i chased April to he room a few minutes behind. What i wasn't expecting was glass all over the floor and a scorch mark of fire on the carpet.

Bending down to the mark its still too hot to touch. It didn't happen to long ago, but where is she? I would have seen her if she went through the door, the windows are closed but is suppose she could have gone that way?

The only thing that was different was a note on the windowsill. Reading the note the writing barely readable, nothing like my wife's.

I wanted my life to be the way it was planned. It will be the way its planned. She changed it, and i will re change it...

What is that even supposed to mean? Calling my trackers i set on a hunt to find her, Danny close by my side.


Aprils POV

Black. Nothing but black. A familiar sting was laced around my wrists and ankles. Silver chains. I am not alone however. Two heartbeats join me in the room. One unsteady breathing.

"are you awake?" A sweet little voice appears next to me.


"i'm sorry about whats to come. Just don't scream okay?" What does this girl mean?? My little friend fell mute.

"Shut up you filthy scum" A heavy boot scuffles thundering into her side, She coughs unable to breathe. How dare he do that! "Your lucky to be alive! In Russia we would have fed you to the bears 2 days ago. These god damn americans don't know how to torture anyone anymore." The screech of a door opening invites another heartbeat to the party.

"I do not pay you to make insightful comments Bruno. Assume your position in the corner." He had a much different voice to Bruno his name was, more weak and quite high pitched for a man.

"you know i'm right." Bruno whispers before walking to the corner.

"while i tend to our new guest." Pitchy man continued, but crap thats me. Snapping his fingers directly in my face i flinch slightly at the closeness. "hmm good. You are awake."

"Good. Good, good, good. I have been wanting to speak with your for quite some time now." You know what i'm not going to let them have the satisfaction of silence from me.

"Couldn't say i share the same feeling." My face whipped to the side. The sharp taste of blood entering my mouth. He just slapped me. No-one slaps me. No one.

"Watch your tone missy!" I've heard that voice before! "My... my... my... How the mighty have fallen. I bet you didn't expect to end up like this."

"no not really." A light flickered above our heads, giving a slight dull of light. Just enough to light up their faces.

Bruno was a large and very very muscular man, Steroids definitely! Although he had quite a small head for his body, which left him with not a high IQ I'm presuming.

Pitchy however. Well he was tall with lanky arms and legs. A normal sized head, but obviously the brains of the project. A thick layer of hair rested on the top of his head, with very familiar hazel eyes. I will wipe that smug smirk of his face indefinitely.

"Take Bruno here. His training contained of killing Bears."

The sole of a shoe creaked as breath closed the distance between us. His face right next to my ear. "with my bare hands." My head snaps in his direction. Since when did he get so close.

"no pun intended. I don't really need to know what training you've been through. After all you had a great fighter as a surrogate father."

Sneering i spoke "Don't you dare talk about him like you knew him when you don't"

"ahh quite the opposite my dear. In fact i knew him a lot more than you did. He was in fact my father before you came along." Thats who those eyes belonged to, my dead father.

"Now i have been sent my orders, to which i am happy to oblige. Bruno has brought some toys from the old country, haven't you Bruno?"

A large duffle bag was thrown onto the table. A zip echoed through the room as it opened.

"My, now that is gruesome and painful. Bruno you've really out done yourself this time. I shall not partake in this gruesome and barbaric business. That is for Sur. to do. Bruno open the cage will you." ahh great who's Sur.??

"okay boss"

While they walk around the cage they both mumble to themselves. Bruno suggesting why not him because "he breaks Bear with hands", the poor use of english proves my point of his intelligence.

Every noise echoed making it loud. Too loud for my wearwolf hearing. Seems to be the same with my friend who flinches, not muttering a single sound.

"Now Bruno, make sure our guest stays alive. You know how Sur. gets."

With a single nod pitchy walks back through the door he came from. Counting the doors that close on his way up. 4. Well they certainly want to keep us locked up.

The last door closed. Leaving a slight humming to surround the room. The darkness engulfs us again as the light turns out...

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