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Its been a week since i was introduced to the pack and its been the best week of my life.

Mom and Dad have taken time to get to know me and listen to the times we had missed. It was never awkward, we fit together more than ever.

Todays the 11th and its my birthday. Yep the big 18! But its not all great.

I haven't got my wolf. How can you be an alpha without your wolf!? Dad and Danny keep asking to run with me but i just scrape out of it. What am i supposed to do? I'm not going to be able to keep it for long.

Walking downstairs i'm greeted by Mom cooking then Dad and Danny waiting.

"morning Daddy."

"morning Sweetheart" Dad says kissing my cheek then Danny firmly pulling me onto his knee.

"I made your favourite. Well it was your favourite i hope it still is.." Mom says nervously turning with French toast on a plate. FRENCH TOAST!!!

Without even saying thank you i dug in, slapping Danny's fork away when he tried eating some. Mom looked pleased the fact that i loved it so much.

"I'm guessing its still your favourite" Nodding i finish my whole plate making Mom smile while Dad chuckles.

"Sweetheart i'd like you to come on a boundary check this morning." Shit! What do i say? "Honey whats the matter?" Taking a deep breathe i began.

"i haven't got my wolf. I don't know why i just never shifted." Danny snuggles into my neck making me relax.

"Baby its not a bad thing there are always late shifters." His breath on my neck was so hard to not turn and take his breath away.

"He's right sweetheart theres no need to worry if anything you'll shift today. Just make sure your around Danny and you'll be fine." Kissing my head he took moms hand walking out the kitchen.

Taking my chance now no ones around. Well no one that can tell me to stop, there are always pack members walking past. They either aww at us or just carry on with what they were doing.

"your not going out my site today baby."

"I don't think id be able to resist." I say pushing myself closer towards him.

"Taking the chance i'm taking you out for dinner."

There was no room for a reply as Danny's hands were roaming my thighs as we make out right there in the middle of the kitchen.


I am exhausted. Danny made me walk the whole way to the diner and back again. Apparently if you do more walking it encourages your wolf. Well my wolf is not going to be coming any time soon if so because i am not doing that again.

Twirling me around his finger Danny stops in the middle of the room. One hand gently taking hold of my hips, while the other brushed a piece of hair out my face. Leaning down to kiss me i grimace at a throbbing pain in my head.

"Whats the matter baby?" Danny's hands on both sides of my face force me to look at him.

"My h-head." With those last words my body felt very light landing into strong arms. His lips move but i can't hear what he says. My eyelids are the opposite, feeling ever heavy and slowly close.

Twitching my fingers i can feel what seems like soil and grass. Opening one eye then the other i am indeed on grass. In fact on a clearing surrounded by trees.

I shout for Danny Dad anyone who may be there. No answer. With the snap of a twig my head darts to the sound.

A black wolf stands in shock glancing back at me. This wasn't any wolf. It was black but the edges of its fur flickered with flames.

A fire wolf.

It was once said that the Moon Goddess accidentally created four wolves with more power than others. Fire wolf, Water wolf, Earth Wolf and Wind Wolf. They are messengers from the Goddess to make sure humans and Wolves live happily.

That was until Hunters came and killed the wolves to take control. I thought they had been extinct for hundreds of years but there one is stood directly in front of me.

I bow down to the fire wolf due to respect. But a throaty laugh is all i get in return. Huh? Why is it laughing at me?

"There is no need to bow to me." How can it talk in wolf form? I presume an extra power from the goddess. "After all i am yours." What? Now i am truly comfused.

A bright yellow light appears by the side of the wolf. A tall long wavy brown haired woman stands in front of me. Under the goddess's presence i bow again. Its better to show respect.

"Child you have caused me one heck of problem." I haven't done anything feeling guilty i bow even more under her intimidating gaze "now girl no need to bow after all i need your help."

Standing tall HRH just leaves me i. confusion. "How could i help you? Sorry but i'm no one special."

"why your the only wolf who has managed to change their life plan drastically. You were meant to die on that battle field yet you survived. That is why i want you in my team, to help with other wolves. That is why i thought a fire wolf would fit your personality perfectly." Shocked thats all i can say.I was supposed to die whos is born to die. Well i guess everyone but not with only 5 years of life.

"Thank you mam but how would i help? And i'm sorry but of course i would fight for my life i didn't want to die." Expecting a punishment she just smiled.

"i knew a fire wolf would be best with your feisty attitude. And its your job to find out how."

With the light now gone its just me the woods and my wolf. I must say she is the most beautiful creature i have ever seen.

"um how does this supposed to happen?" I ask gesturing to the both of us.

"Trust me i know what i'm doing."

With that she turns jumping on top of me causing me to close my eyes.

I Prepared to land roughly on the ground yet it didn't happen. Instead i sit up gasping for breath on my bed. Danny sat by my side along with Mom Da and the Pack doctor.

"I have my wolf." Was all i said.

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