Chapter 1

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13 years later

"My condolences April your parents were great people."

"Thank you." Shaking the last persons hand i just want to get out of here like ugh! They aren't really sorry. Why else would they be leaving the pack to join another one, surely they would stay and let me rule. They're just cunts.

Turning around heading towards the kitchen, i grab a bag of kettle corn from the cupboard. Huh? Walking back to the front door i can see a man in a suit and papers at the front door.

"err... Hello?" I say to the man at my door.

"Good morning may i speak to a miss.. April Jones?" This is creeping me out even more. Why does he want to speak to me i hardly even know anyone.

"Speaking. May i ask who are you?" He smiled as he saw he was speaking to me in person.

"Hello yes i am the solicitor. May i come in?" He asks nodding his head past the door.

"oh yes of course!" I say opening and closing the door guiding him towards the kitchen. "Kettle corn?" I offer.

"No thank you. Now miss Jones i am speaking to you today because your parents have left a will." We are just sat in the kitchen while I'm eating my kettle corn. "They have left you everything they own miss Jones."

Now thats surprised me! I was expecting like moms necklace or something not EVERYTHING!

"How much is this everything?" I ask putting the kettle corn down.

"The house, money, belongings. They left own wish on the will that you are to live in one of their smaller houses and must finish school their." Ugh! Do i really have to go to school.

"okay so what does this mean?" Looking through his papers he hands me an address on a paper clearly written by my mother because her hand writing is beautiful, well it was.

"She has already set everything up. You are to be ready for 11 tomorrow morning and you are to follow the moving lorry to your new home."

"Okay She surely has all this planned out. Thank you for coming and telling me sir." Handing my his folder with all the will details inside he exits my house with a polite goodbye.

Fuck you mother! You know i hate fucking school! All the snobs and clicks, ugh and the food. Thats the worst. If your wondering why i'm not crying over my mother and fathers death then theres a perfect explanation. I'm not a cryer, never have been. Plus they died a month ago. I thought a funeral would be better once the grief has settled in a little more.

After cleaning up in the shower i jump into bed grabbing the remote. Unfortunately there was nothing on so i decided to just go to sleep early. Whats the point in being tired when i'm moving tomorrow hey! Miss remember the positives thats me.

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