Day 2 (night)

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"Tessa... I'm not the person you think i am" What? She seemed devastated about it. I thought if i told her it would make her happier.

"Then who are you?" She furrowed her eyebrows together and wearily shuffled away from me.

"The name you think i have is April Jones. But my name is April Benson."
I don't really know what to call her feelings right now. She looks a little shocked and worried yet in disbelief. "Just let me explain please." With a slight nod of her head i begun to tell her my story.

"when i was attacked and dad had left i fell unconscious, but the last thing i saw was a woman. When i woke i was in a little pack nearby and treated like the daughter, there was only like 60 people max. I hated my dad for leaving me, i still do. I was planning on running the pack but after my "parents" " quoting with my fingers "had died my "mother" had left me a letter saying i have to come live here. You kinda already know the rest."

"you need to go back April. The pack loves you, your dad loves you, we all do. Please come back." I was afraid she would say that...

"I...I can't. I wouldn't know what to say. If i see him i'm just going to cry like i did the other day. He's the only person who's ever made me cry and i don't want to cry anymore."

"He misses you a lot. You can see it in his eyes even if he never actually says it. Do you?" She doesn't seem to care about my clammy hands in hers, thank god.

"do i what?". "Miss him you idiot"
"yeah I do." A little smile crept upon her face at the comment.

"Then its settled, you'll come back to the pack tomorrow."

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