Mothers Know

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"French toast I'm guessing??" Sitting up on the counter i laugh at Mom.

"you know it! No one makes better French toast than you Mom." I know she won't take her eyes off the food so i listen in closer to listen because her backs facing me.

"Aw thats kind sweetheart but im sure the French can make it better than me." She says passing me a plate full of French toast.

Shaking my head mom just chuckles at my child like reaction.

I've been spending so much time with everyone lately and i just missed some mother daughter time. Thats why i'm spending my day with Mom, the best woman in the world. Well... Apart from me *wink wink* .

Finishing our breakfast we walk into the living room with popcorn and sweets. Whats not to love about a lazy day?

As the word Titanic appears on the screen my mother just cant help being blunt. "i can see it too you know."

"see what?" What exactly does she mean? Glancing down at my legs the shimmer had increased to my calves, do she mean this? How could she?

"That your dying." My mouth agape i just simply stare at my mother, how? "i'm your mother of course i would know. Your getting slowly weaker everyday. What did they do to you?"

Looking at my fingers i take a deep breath. "They injected me with wolfsbane. I don't know how... how long i have left..." A single tear ran down my cheek as mom pulled me to her chest.

"my poor baby. I am so sorry." Cuddling into Mom eased the worry. For now.

Smiling my grip around my mother grows stronger as she lays a sweet little kiss on my forehead.

SMASH! Glass shards shatter everywhere. I engulfed me and mother in flames for protection. My window is broken, a rock is the reason. Ripped and shredded a piece of paper is wrapped around the rock.

Picking up the rock i gasp in shock...

Wolves are dotted around the place, in pairs, fighting. Quickly searching the scene, from the looks of things they have only just started fighting. No dead bodies, yet. It was then i saw a familiar but unpleasant face.

It was all because of him.

"STOP!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs. The whole fight paused their attacks on each other.

"STOP! JUST STOP FIGHTING! Whats the point in this? Why not live in peace, without any blood shed?" One side of the fight, the rouges, glanced at their alpha.

"Their blood" he sneered pointing at my side of the fight "doesn't matter. They are a mear formality to get to my real prize. You. It is your blood i seek."

"oh trust me. That will happen no matter what happens here today, for i will not be here any longer....

Snapping out of my little vision i glance back down at the paper. The scruffy handwriting read
The war is coming. I am coming.

Looking over at my mother, frightened but ready to protect me, i smile. She is so loving and caring she doesn't even know it.

"I am afraid i have something to do Mom. And i'm sorry i don't think we shall do this again." Fiddling with my finger i give her a kiss then run up to fathers office.

Walking straight in there was no time for knocking. He was startled but relaxed when he saw it was me.

"Dad get the warriors training, theres a war coming. On Sunday." Standing from his chair, no questions asked, he speaks into the speaker.

"Attention all warriors. Training will begin as of now. A meeting shall be held tomorrow to explain. Please proceed to the training grounds."

Father looked up from his position asking for an explanation...

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