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Recap: Slowly taking steps away from me while stretching out for the keys he turned and ran. They spoke so strong of him, yet he ran like a baby.

I wonder how strong their structure really is...

Danny's POV

Sitting in the living room with the other pack members i stare at the tv screen. Not watching just staring into space.
We have no idea where April is. My wolf is going mad without her, just imagine what he'd be like if i had marked her.

For some reason when one of the members lights the fire i'm attracted to it. Instead i watch the fire intently.


Shooting round the room no one else saw it. The word flickers in the flames, my name was in the fire.It must have been my imagination.


Now that wasn't my imagination! Why speakers?? Why is the fire talking to me?


Why does someone want me to play the speakers? What would be the point?


A? That must me April!! I have no idea why but why not.

Aprils POV

After being down here for what almost seems like a week it starts yo get extremely boring. Ya know chained to the wall the only place you can walk to is a bucket next to you.

Thats why my plan is under way. Hopefully.

After frightening Sur. no one has been down. Although i'm guessing scrawny will be down soon because Bruno mentioned it to himself. I don't think he realises he says what he thinks out loud, but its handy things to know.

I just hope my plan works in time.

Hearing the familiar doors open, one by one, is not a good thing to hear. Listening closely to the footsteps i'm guessing its scrawny because Sur.'s steps are heavier and more shuffled.

"You've caused a lot of trouble missy. Alpha Wesley was not pleased-"

Yeah i zoned out, i had to focus on a slight humming sound. Come one Danny!!! Smiling i hear the sound getting louder and louder and louder.

They notice i'm not listening and too focus on the sound as police sirens gradually get stronger to hear.

"oh man i gotta get outa here!" Just the scared little man i thought he was. "They might of got sure! We gotta get outa here Bruno!"

Spinning around scrawny bolts out the doors sprinting as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast

"i don't run of police, police run from me." Bruno grunts while stopping up the stairs like a child.

~hey you got anyway of getting out of these cuffs??~

~Heck yeah girl!!~

~Then why haven't you told me!!~

~You never asked!!~

Feeling the chains grown hotter and hotter it starts to melt. That much it melts of my hands and ankles entirely.

Sprinting over to my friend lets call her Al for almost twin. I melt the chain attached to the cuffs, after all i don't want to burn her by melting the cuffs themselves.

Dragging her towards the gap she refuses.

"what about Ivan?!" Giving her the best smile i could, you can't sugar coat death.

"Honey he sawed off his leg, with that amount of bleeding he was dead within an hour."

Shit!! The gaps not even big enough to fit through!!

~Can we teleport with her?? I don't even know how we did it last time!!~

~we were forced too, i never even did that in training. I won't hurt her if you focus, but i guess we could try.~

"I'm sorry if this hurts but it's the only way we are going to get out of here."

Nodding she takes my hands while i focus and listen to my wolf.

Imagine your at home...
Imagine your a flicker of flame.

Hearing the sweet sound of flames was heaven to my ears. Opening my eyes we're in my woods. Eh close enough i suppose. Suddenly realising Al is on fire i quickly pat her down until it simmers.

"Sorry for that. I'm guessing you have family to go to so i will let you go. I will see you soon though i promise!"

Hugging for the first time we took our separate ways. I was not alone for long however. Four wolves came bounding in my direction. Mom, Dad, Tessa, and the best of all Danny.

I was expecting a conversation but no. Danny had other ideas. He grabbed me throwing me on his back and started running back to the house. The whole time I'm just giggling feeling how soft his fur is.

Shifting when we get to the patio he swirls me around faster and faster.

"Danny stop i'm dizzy!!" Laughing we both stare into each others eyes. Oh how i have missed those eyes.

"i love you so much April!" Planting a quick kiss on his lips he smiles when i replied with.

"i love you too baby."


I recommend listening to the 3D version of the interrogation chamber!!
I thought it was that good i used it! XD XD

listen to it or don't
do whatever with it you wish



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