Funeral/ Epilogue

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"Come on Danny its nearly time. She doesn't want you moping at her funeral now does she?" Tessa says while doing my tie.

Grabbing my hand she pulls me down the stairs. Just like April did. Seeing everyone in black or blue showed it was real. The reality had hit, shes technically going in the ground today.

My motivation to move all week was to make sure everything on her list was completed. Everyone was to wear something blue as well as the typical black, her favourite colour.

She chose to have her funeral in a clearing in the woods. As you walk through the little gap in the trees you have a two way split. One way goes to the little lake we have on our territory, not as big as the lake we went to last week, and the other goes to her clearing.

She said she fell in love with the blossom tree while out on a run, therefore it is now her forever tree. I had made an extra little tag onto her list. I made a plaque with her famous words engraved into them. I know she would be pleased.

Taking my place in my seat the funeral began...

Aprils POV ((haha did you see it coming?))

Walking through my gap in the tree i see the funeral hadn't begun. Taking my time this time i walked around inspecting Danny's work.

Yep he got everything to a T. Smiling at his plaque a see my initials marked into the tree in a love heart. I guess you see something new everyday. Smiling i knew exactly what my mom was saying to dad for i had seen it before.

Someone i didn't expect to see was me! What am i doing at my own funeral? Wait! Is that the me in a vision. How did i get myself's attention? I know i waved her over! Damn it i never learnt how to whistle!!

A startled me came running towards me. Wow too many me's in one sentence!!

"i know your confused but theres a reason. You have a purpose. I'm not allowed to tell you much or i will mix up time and space, that crap. But what i can tell you is that your past will come to haunt you. It will be someones time in need, then and only then will you understand the true meaning of love and death"

I have no idea how i did it! But some how leaves fell from the tree and suddenly i was gone. I took a spare seat in the back as i look down at the reserved tag on the seat.

Turning around the note i see the name i hoped to have seen...

Danny's POV

"i'm short for words to be honest. Everyone has already said how great she was, it can be difficult speaking last. Well as her mate i loved her dearly. She definitely took my breath away the first day i saw her, slowly getting out her blue mini.

You know sometimes i swear she did that on purpose to tease the lads! She was.. was. I never thought i would talk like that.

Forget all that soppy crap. I wanted a family with this girl. A daughter to look exactly like her then i could fall in love with her all over again. I knew she did too..."

Looking at the back of the crowd i could have sworn i saw April. But thats impossible. Shaking it off i carried on with my speech.

"I will always be grateful to her. I shall be your new alpha. That is all thanks to April for persuading her dad to let me have control. I promise you and i have promised her father that i will not let you down! I make that promise right here beside her.

So thank you for coming and i will see you at the reception."

With that everyone dispersed and i rejoined Tessa and Aprils parents in a hug. I think we all needed one right now. Walking back to the pack house i go to the kitchen for a drink.

Popping the cap i leave everyone inside as i go to sit on the front porch. It was then a flash of brown hair caught me eye.

"April baby why are you there? You were dead?" I shout towards the back of April.

She turned around and from a distance it looked liked April. Although, as she walked towards me it was just a girl who looked like her. The resemblance was easy to make though.

"Sorry i'm not April, i'm Emily. I was supposed to give this to you but i didn't really feel like i should intrude on a pack mourning so." Glancing at her hand i see an envelope with Danny written on it.

YES! Everyone has already found their letter. It made me rather depressed because i was the only one without. Why would she tell her to give it to me though?

She placed out her hand with the letter ever so softly in her gentle hands. As i went to grab the letter out hands touch and a whole new fire erupted inside of me. Second mate?

Quickly looking between our hands and each other we both realise. Thank you April. Holding her hand in mine i sit her down on the front step.

Unlike before i softly opened the letter, wanted to save her every last word for myself. I took a deep breath before opening up the paper.

Dear Danny,

i never told you the truth... When i got my wolf i spoke with the moon goddess. She told me that i was destined to die when i was 5, but i changed that. I have a purpose, She made me a new story, one to save a whole pack and many others. i hope you know that this never meant to happen to you. I am sorry this had to happen, i never wanted to fall in love to just leave and break your heart. And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket. Don't cry. haha Let me guess your crying right now? Ahuh yep i knew it haha see i knew you so well!
The really hard question was how long will i be with you? But i will be there as long as the seas bound to wash upon the sand. You see even though I'm not there i still will if that makes sense. I love you Danny i always will.
I figured that you wouldn't be able to survive without me haha big ego huh? But while i was falling so deeply for you without knowing it i discovered something. If i was meant to die at 5, i was never meant to have a mate, therefore i don't belong to you.
In my time of need i found the person who does belong with you. She looks a lot like me doesn't she?! Your wondering how i knew she was your second mate? Well... I could smell your scent on her, at out first meeting. Our second just confirmed it. Then when she said she hasn't got a mate i knew, i just knew. P.S i never told her so she is found out a second ago like you. Haha shes stood there reading this too isn't she? Your really annoying!! haha u just said that im annoying too. Aw i didn't know you very long but i really love you too! If i could save you all over again i would hun! You better take care of him because i will be watching! You don't and there will be problems bitch! haha u just called me a cow didn't you. aww i will really miss you guys so much.
Now Danny you better love her just as much as you loved me. YOU HAVE TOO. Its my dying wish and you cant break that now.
Just promise me one thing, okay? Tell your kids about me. Ya know the beautiful daughter and the football crazed son you've always dreamed of. Just Please don't let my name be forgotten. I'd like them to know it was their aunt April that brought their mom and dad together.
Take her hand and walk her out to the patio like you did with me the first time we said I love you.

Taking Emily's hand i pull her through the house, past everyones stares. Walking onto the balcony i looked back at the letter.

You there yet? Yep okay well look out to the woods

Looking into the woods i couldn't see anything. That is until i spotted what i was looking for, her beautiful face. April. I returned her stunning smile. The last thing i ever saw her do, was wave and fade completely into the darkness of the night.

Glancing back down at the paper it said.

Goodbye Danny, I love you...

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