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"I have my wolf." Was all i said.

"Honey thats great but how would you know you haven't shifted?" Dad asks from across the bed.

"I don't think i need to."

~No you don't~
~Hey there you are!!~
~Show them. Ive been here the whole time you idiot.~

"Haha she definitely has her wolf thats her mothers mental conversation face."

"Huh sorry what?" They all burst out laughing. Im guessing at me. "I'll show you."

Jumping up from my comfy position i run straight out the door. Down the stairs and out the back door. The whole time they followed closely behind.

Standing in the back yard i strip down to my underwear and wait for them all to catch up. Danny was clenching his fists at the sight me of me, oh yeah i didn't really think that one through. Oh well.

With all three of them staring sceptically at me like i've hallucinated i turned to my wolf for help.

~A little help please~
~Oh yeah sorry about that, let me take control and i'll do it for you.~

Listening to her command i can feel myself being pushed behind yet still in control of my words. Hearing a flood of gasps and a flicker i presume they can see my wolf.

Looking down at my legs i can see the familiar black yet fire flicker of the wolf fur, or should i say my wolf.

"Babe your beautiful. I can't believe your a fire wolf." I answer with a puff of air through my nostrils.

But instead of being instructed to shift back i was surprised when three other wolves stood in front of me. Two black one brown. Yet what i never knew what that Danny was the other black wolf while Mom was brown.

Danny has Alpha blood??

Spinning around i bomb off into the woods, the three wolves chasing after. Realising i don't particularly know the woods i slow down so Dad can take the lead. I smile when i see Danny running along side of me.

Running onto the clearing both my parents turn around to look at me, but my vision of them wasn't very clear, the sun was too bright to see anything. Squinting while covering my eyes the sunlight soon dies down and i retract my hands from my eyes.

The only thing was, was that i wasn't the clearing was no longer clear with only 4 wolves present. It was full of a sobbing pack all dressed in black. They were all crying over a sapling of a Blossom tree.

Walking closer it no one flinches and no one notices me. It was when i i suddenly saw a body walk straight through me i realised i was only a fragment in this time and space. No one knows I'm here. Taking the opportunity i walk as close as possible to the tree noticing a plaque embedded in the ground next to the tree.

When your pack follows you without being asked, when they rub their head on yours, and when you look at your mate and feel a tingle down your spine. You know you are loved, and you know where you belonged.
April Benson

Where am i? I don't see me stood next to Danny. Nor Mom or Dad. Strolling up to Mom an Dad i decided to listen into their conversation.

"I miss her Don. She shouldn't have died when she did." Mom said snuggling into his chest. I have a feeling their talking about me.

"I know baby but she said we would find out in due time. Our April isn't stupid, she knew what she was doing."

Glancing over at the tree line i see... Myself? And i'm waving for someone to come over. But the only one noticing her is me?

Lets just say if you ever see yourself outside of yourself its very very strange.

"i know your confused but theres a reason. You have a purpose. I'm not allowed to tell you much or i will mix up time and space, that crap. But what i can tell you is that your past will come to haunt you. It will be someones time in need, then and only then will you understand the true meaning of love and death."

Suddenly the leaves start to fall like on an autumns evening, revealing a fresh green meadow. Two wolves laying down while i'm stood with another by the side of me.

Just where i left it before.

~whats the matter you look like you've seen a ghost?~ Danny's voice echoes throughout my mind, but really that clique!

~Nope i'm fine lets go have some fun~

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