Chapter Five: I'm on the Wendigo Diet

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~Chapter Five: I'm on the Wendigo Diet~

My stomach is still rolling the next morning when I follow Cyra to breakfast to once again play the part of her people barrier and nanny. However, since most of the guests left after dinner last night and also this morning before breakfast - I watched most of them leave because, even though I tried, I could not sleep last night - I doubt Cyra will need a barrier between her and the rest of the guests for much longer. And while I could easily just ditch her to avoid dealing with the crowd and possibly being fed again, it does not sit well with me to leave a kid in an uncomfortable situation.

Unfortunately, though, almost as soon as we sit down at the table with her family, Cyra starts pointing out different foods, many of which I actually wish I could eat. "They look great, Cyranide, but I don't eat breakfast," I try, gently but firmly pushing her hand away when she tries to put food on my plate.

Cyra, though, eyes me in disbelief. "But you're so skinny, Wenderson," she says, making it sound as if it is a crime. And since I opted to wear another set of borrowed clothing that are a bit on the tight side, she probably sees a lot more of my ribs than I would like her to.

Out of the corner of the eyehole in my mask, I note the way that Prince Fish Man elbows the oldest princess, who then glares at him and says something too quiet for me to hear before looking our way. I tilt my head to the side a little to see the siblings better, as though the other royal siblings have been glancing at us ever since we walked in, the oldest princess and the crown prince have been mostly preoccupied by a conversation they have been having with the king. And though the crown prince rudely cut off his sister mid-sentence by elbowing her, neither the princess nor the king seem too bothered or even surprised by this.

Some weird Mer custom I don't know about?

"You do look a bit skinny," the oldest princess suddenly says, much louder than her earlier whisper. It takes me a moment, but I blink and purse my lips when I realize that she is talking to me.

Apparently, eavesdropping is another weird Mer custom.

Squinting between the king, who is watching intently, the nosy princess, and the prince who seems suspiciously more interested in his food, I am tempted to just get up and leave now. Especially since Lady Fish's interjection apparently gave the rest of her younger siblings permission to stare directly at me without need for hiding it. Fighting a grimace, I flippantly reply, "It's a wendigo thing."

A quick glance at Atasah tells me that he does not believe a thing I am saying, but considering that he is the one who knows me best, it is likely he is the only one who has figured out that something is not quite right. However, then he opens his mouth, clearly about to say something that I do not want him to, so I grab the nearest soft thing - my napkin - and throw it at his face.

This, of course, does not work, as gravity intervenes, causing the napkin to land in a bowl of something that looks like gelatin. It does, however, distract the entire family, as they all watch the napkin's descent into the dish like it is the most fascinating thing to grace the table. Atasah's attention does not waver from me, though, so I mouth, "No."

Unfortunately, rather than make him let it go, this only seems to worry him further. He does not say anything, which means that my warning at least did something, but it is pretty obvious that he is not just going to let me starve in peace. I would roll my eyes, but maybe it is a little nice to know he cares.

I roll my eyes anyway.

The members of the royal Mer family give me weird looks when glancing between Atasah and me, but nothing is actually said about what just happened. Instead, all that ends up happening is suspicious side eyes from the crown prince and confused looks from the twin princesses for the rest of the meal. Everyone else seems content to pretend nothing happened.

The Unwanted Wendigo [ManxMan]Where stories live. Discover now