Chapter Twenty-three: Attack of the Rhymes

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~Chapter Twenty-three: Attack of the Rhymes~

Surprisingly, despite my absolutely amazing observational skills, it takes me an uncertain number of days to realize the writing on the wall.

And I don't mean that figuratively.

Of course, no one was stupid enough to actually write on the walls of Valentin's house, as I am pretty sure that might end in an immediate ban from ever visiting again with how pristinely everything is kept, but there is a sticky note on the wall next to the mirror Sunday morning. There is a high possibility that it has been there for at least a day, as I never look in that corner of my room. In fact, the only reason I actually even glanced over there today is because I was worried that the cracks around the eye holes of my mask had gotten bigger - they have; the whole mask is going to break at this rate - and I did not feel like taking the mask off just to check. And thus, the note was found.


Atasah-aum told me how you hate the water,

but I thought you could use a swim.

Find a room where it's colder and hotter;

it's by the palace's main training gym.


There is no signature, and though it was clearly handwritten, I do not recognize the style. Considering how I seldom actually care to notice handwriting, though, this does not strike me as odd. And besides, just because I do not know who did it does not mean I cannot list off people who might have. Because though it is obviously not Atasah based on how the note started, there are still a few people who might do something like this.

Could have been Cyra. Could have been Nero. Could have been Giselle giving me something to do so I stop interrupting her when she's cooking...

Not caring who actually wrote it, I snatch the note off the wall and quickly sneak out of the house, an idea of where to go already forming in my head. Not that sneaking is actually necessary, as both Valentin and Giselle are out for a breakfast date, but it feels more fun and scavenger hunt-like to sneak around like a spy on a mission. And if I dive behind the couch for no reason other than to feel cool, then it is not like there is anyone around to see me do it.

Reaching the palace takes some time, as there is no one to drag me around like a limp puppet, but I get there eventually. And when I arrive, I immediately head for the gym I visited a few days ago with Atasah, who is unfortunately on some sort of mission today. Since he explained to me yesterday that he would be gone until well past nightfall, there would be no point in stopping by his room to see if he has returned, but I will be sure to tell him everything - down to the last detail - that happens here today.

After all, who doesn't love hearing a story being drawn out for five hours?

When I arrive at the training gym, there is some big match going on in the middle of the room, but huffing in exasperation, I pass right by it on my way to the shower room, as watching people hack at each other with dull swords is getting kind of boring. Maybe if someone sharpened the swords or actually showed off some showy skills, it would be interesting, but these Mer clearly have no flair for showmanship. Still, I suppose I should be glad that everyone is distracted, as no one glances my way more than twice. It is not that anyone would actually stop me from exploring the castle, as I am pretty sure there is not a single guard who has not seen me wandering around at least once, but if they decide they want to chat, the entire day would be ruined.

Slipping into the shower room, I am rather surprised to see how big it is. It is like someone just took a second gym room and added showers, sinks, and bathroom stalls to it before declaring it a shower room. Everything also appears to be in pristine condition, aside from one broken shower stall that is missing a wall, which kind of defies my expectation of a gym shower room.

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