EXTRA Chapter Seven: We Are Family

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[Warning: This isn't in Wendy's POV.]

~EXTRA Chapter Seven: We Are Family~

Felix is...not entirely sure how it happened.

Less than two years ago, the very idea of finding his soulmate was terrifying, so when he had first laid eyes on his new brother-in-law's sole non-demon wedding guest, he had elected to ignore the sudden feeling of Attraction. What use could he possibly have for a wendigo, after all? Surely it was just his body playing tricks on him with Faux Attraction, like it had the five times he felt anything towards other male Mer. Never mind that this time felt slightly different; it was just another mistake.

So, he elected to ignore it.

However, then, in the midst of everything else going on, it was brought to his attention by Atasah that the focus of his Faux Attraction was suffering due to his inaction, and he was forced to move his timetable up. Where Faux Attraction would fade with time, it would also make itself known as fake after satisfying a certain level of physical intimacy, such as kissing or sex. So, with the help of his sister to hopefully distract his brother-in-law's guest from realizing the truth - though, in hindsight, perhaps he should have just asked since Lancelot probably would have just gone along with it for shits and giggles - he stole a kiss and, to his horror, realized that his hopeful assumption of falsified feelings was incorrect.

The wendigo was his soulmate.

Rather than confront this directly, however, Felix threw himself into work, and his plan for distraction was helped along by the fact that, in the wake of his father's death, there was much to do. Still, before his death, his father had managed to convince him of the importance of pursuing his eventual beloved - should the wendigo even want to be in such a position, Felix had thought at the time - according to tradition, and that is precisely what he had done, no matter how much he did not want a wendigo for a soulmate.

It also did not help that the wendigo did not seem interested in taking him for a soulmate either, though that was almost definitely more Felix's fault than he was willing to claim at the time.

Still, he courted the wendigo per tradition, and while he maybe kept the truth of the nature of his behavior a secret for longer than he should have, it was also for the best since it gave him time to figure out just how willing he was to go through with this courtship - a loveless love. It was with the realization of just how lonely he was setting their potential relationship up to be, how he was setting it up for failure, that he began to work harder towards gaining the wendigo's interest. And the reward for his increased effort? Hope.

That hope brought with it new experiences and a willingness to try that Felix was not sure he was capable of feeling. However, there was something about the wendigo's thoughtfulness and easy acceptance of change that made Felix want to learn how to be more open to the future - a future they might just share. He may not have been as successful in that goal as he hoped, but the wendigo who became Wendy who became Lancelot who became Lance did not hold it against him or quit because of it. Instead, he helped and helped until Felix asked for his hand in marriage, and then he helped even more.

After Lance was returned to the castle, that is.

Sure, there were still many things Felix was uncertain about concerning their future, but he did not hold those against Lance, as the wendigo was no longer an unwanted Attraction; he was a wanted perfection. Because though Lance may not be a perfect being, as no being truly is, there is no doubt in Felix's mind that Lance is the perfect one for him. After all, who else could fit so perfectly at his side - and whose side could he sit so comfortably in in return - were they not a certain wendigo?

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