Chapter Forty-two: Plans Change

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~Chapter Forty-two: Plans Change~

Meetings are boring.

I am not entirely certain what this one is about, or, at least, what they are discussing now, since I stopped pretending to pay attention ages ago, but Felix sounds pretty interested in what is going on, so I doubt I could talk him into skipping out any time soon. I could probably start complaining to distract them from whatever boring topic they are on now, but it seems important, and Felix might just kick me out. After all, it was not requested that I attend; I just followed the king when he tried to leave our now-shared chambers alone this morning - it has been two days since my return, but letting him out of my sight is not an option just yet for some reason - and made a home for myself in the corner of the room while the adults talk about war stuff.

Because it is so boring, though, I have my back to the rest of the room, having turned to face the corner when it became apparent that no one would be doing anything interesting, like battling it out to decide who is right on a given matter. At one point, I had tried staring at some important-looking Mer to make them jumpy, but I must have lost my touch while I was under Jackson's thumb because no one is reacting the way they are supposed to. At most, I just got a few confused glances and uncertain looks before it was almost unanimously decided to ignore me.

Still, even though I do not know what they are discussing at the moment, I at least have an idea of what the meeting could be about. After hearing the story of how I was turned-


"What the hell?"

I blink slowly, not quite sure how to process the sudden outburst. After all, I had not even gotten to the part about Jackson's theory of Henry's true intentions; all I had managed to tell Felix before he interrupted me was the story of how I was turned without the whys.

"He didn't even tell you what he was going to do? He just tricked you into cannibalism and forced wendigo...-ism on you?" Felix demands. And, I mean, maybe it is a bit outrageous, but I have lived with it for so long that that part barely even registers as important anymore. In fact, that stopped mattering to me pretty early on. Once Henry made me kill for the first time, I stopped caring about the smaller things of the past and started worrying about what would happen next. "What I could find about wendigos always implied it was a choice humans made."

Well, a choice was made, even if an uninformed one.

Shaking my head, I smirk and half-heartedly joke, "Just wait, it gets better."


-and what happened with Jackson, Felix had informed me of the moves his kingdom would soon be making against the Greek ocean gods in the coming weeks along with their temporary allies - the other kingdoms - and that they would be following the plan the other gods brought up during that meeting I was actually in attendance for. Now, Felix did not actually tell me why he suddenly decided to follow the plan he was clearly not fond of at first, but I suspect it has something to do with the reason for which Veles was willing to help him find me.

And the fact that he dodged the question when I asked kind of says a lot.

No matter his reasons, though, I still have a pretty good idea of what the meeting is about, even if I have made no effort to actually pay attention to anything said in order to confirm that theory. Because while they have been talking, I have been thinking about how exactly I wanted to move forward with Felix. After all, since I have learned a bit more about the kingdom's status in the war, and Felix did not once even so much as imply that he wanted to end our engagement in the last two days - even with the main reason behind the suddenness of it no longer really applying since the thing he was trying to protect against actually happened - we do need to move forward.

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