EXTRA Chapter One: Training Montage?

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~EXTRA Chapter One: Training Montage?~

It is a month after my first real kiss with Felix - because that one that he snuck on me all that time ago does not count - when life in the Mer kingdom returns to normal. It is a month filled with watching Felix attend meetings and complete paperwork. A month of Felix being honestly quite cute, but in an evasive, almost-adorable way. A month of spending our nights in the same room but not in bed together because the first time he offered for me to join him, he sounded a bit too scared for my liking.

He shouldn't have to be afraid of sharing a bed with me, especially since that is all it would be unless he wants something more.

It is also a month of me reading books in the library with Cyra and scaring the stuffing out of Atasah because he lets his guard down a lot in the palace, though my demon would probably prefer I keep all his reactions to myself. Which means that I am totally telling Nero the next time I get him alone so Atasah can't try to stop me.

Apparently, though, there is a thing as too much fun, as someone - maybe the universe, maybe Felix - decided that it was time I reached a new level of boredom. After all, that is the only way I can possibly explain why my fiance approached me after his family lunch, which is something I opted out of to finish the latest book he gifted me, with an elderly Mer in tow. And, boy, does Felix play the bearer of bad news well.

"Lance, Lady Lynette has graciously agreed to tutor you in the proper court etiquette and behaviors for when you become my king consort."

That sentence alone is horrifying.

I size her up - old, unhappy-looking, wearing a lot of ugly green - and turn a pout on Felix, who looks so smugly amused that I kind of want to bite him. In fact, maybe I will, though later, since she might be stupid enough to call the guards if I start gnawing on the king. My pout turns into a glare, and my glare only transfers to her when she steps forward.

"Mister Wenderson," she greets cordially, because that apparently became my last name at some point after it became known that my first name is Lancelot, not Wendy. I would blame Cyra, but Felix likely would have been the one to make it official since he is the one who apparently granted me citizenship at some point and wrote that down as my name, so he is at least partly to blame.

Not that I actually mind since the only other options were taking Jackson's last name or trying to remember my old one.

I say nothing back in response and simply continue to eye her, which does not seem to bother her in the least. Well, that, or she is very good at hiding any frustrations or anxieties behind her mask of indifference. Felix, on the other hand, glances between us warily before taking my hand and leaning close enough to whisper.

"If you make it through a week of lessons, I'll personally take you to a land bookstore," he promises, and I lean back a little to get a good look at his face in order to judge his sincerity. While what I see is definitely sincere, there is also more than just a hint of anxiety.

Is he worried I'll refuse, or is he worried I'll fail?

Huffing, I use our clasped hands to pull him close enough to bump his cheek with my own. "Fine," I murmur, for his ears only. "But I'm not going to like it."

Felix smiles a little. "Didn't think you would, but please at least try."

I kiss his cheek before taking a step back. "I make no promises," I reply, just as the 'lady' clears her throat pointedly. It is tempting to just glare at her again, but I did just agree to go through with a week's worth of lessons, and if I want to suffer less, I probably have to get her to like or at least tolerate me. So, sighing, I turn to her and ask, "Do we start now, or when?"

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