Chapter Twenty-four: I Don't Think Now is the Best Time

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[Warning: Kind of detailed account of Wendy eating again. Also, not detailed mentions of pedophilia.]

~Chapter Twenty-four: I Don't Think Now is the Best Time~

"I'm really okay, guys," Atasah says, some hours after I encountered Nero in the hallway. It is now early morning, though I am fairly certain only a handful of people in the castle got any sleep last night, as everyone was either panicking at the news or preparing to receive those returning from the mission. As a wendigo, I am fortunately exempt from the need for regular rest, so unlike everyone I have seen, I do not look or feel like I am running on fumes, but I still felt just as anxious for Atasah's return as the royal family.

Of course, as if to make everyone look like a bunch of fools for their concern, Atasah and his three-man team had turned up just before dawn with only some minor injuries and a total of two broken bones between the four of them. Since Atasah is the one who can account for both of those broken bones, though, he was rushed to the medical wing. With Nero all but hovering over his shoulder in concern the entire time, Atasah had been quick to recount the story of how he had broken his right wrist and the tibia in his left leg, and what it basically boiled down to was that he miscalculated. Creating massive explosions underwater has backlash, after all, and he did not think it through properly.

Considering that the city he was in was attacked by a pod of killer whales, however, I can't say I'm surprised he wasn't thinking straight.

Still, it is because of this that I want to tell him how much of an idiot he is for thinking he could take on no less than five killer whales with only three Mer packing him up, as the city's guards were needed to evacuate the citizens. After all, he really worried me, and I hate him for that because there are not many people I care about enough to worry over, and this stupid demon is unfortunately one of them.

However, before I can do more than open my mouth, a nurse cuts me off, "You need to leave. Atasah-shinmet needs to be prepped for surgery, and I won't have distractions in my ward."

Which, okay, fair, but...


She shushes me before I can even finish my protest. I try to dig in my heels when she literally pulls me out of the hospital ward, but I do not try hard enough to put up a real fuss, as I understand her reasoning, and Atasah does kind of need that surgery. Shin bones are not supposed to be sticking out of one's leg, after all. Still, I feel the need to cling to my demon for as long as possible now that he has been safely returned...if only she would let me do that.

Not even ten seconds later, the medical room's doors close in my face, and I glance over at Nero, who is wearing the exact same look of bewildered discomfort as I am sure would be reflected on my face if I was not wearing my mask. I will admit that seeing her kick Nero out only seconds after me for the same reason is definitely satisfying, even if it is also incredibly frustrating, but still...

I want to make sure he's really as okay as he claims.

- - - - - - -

Since the hospital doors have remained closed and will remain closed until the time that Atasah's surgery is over, I let myself be dragged away by Giselle when she eventually appears to inform me that Valentin has apparently set up another chance for me to eat - which is for the best. It has been a few days too many since I last had a meal, and the never-ending gnawing hunger has been getting worse, even if it's still nowhere near as bad as it was during my first few weeks here. Of course, it is only by chance that someone was able to bring a live human down here on the same day that I very badly need a distraction, as the Mer mercenary Valentin hired for the job set out yesterday evening, before the attack on the city Atasah was in had even begun.

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