Chapter Thirty-three: Angry and Dead Again

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~Chapter Thirty-three: Angry and Dead Again~

It is only a few days after my date with a certain Mer king that a very interesting set of visitors arrive at the kingdom. And, apparently, this is not the first - and likely not the last - time that gods are in the Pacific Mer kingdom. Though, from what I heard, it was just one god before who came here during the last war, and he did not leave here on good terms...nor did he arrive on good terms, either. Of course, no one will tell me exactly what happened the last time a god was here, but I do know that the very same one from before is sitting right across from me now, and Nero is trying to inflict harm on said god with his eyes. The god, though, just looks mildly uncomfortable, and his discomfort seems to have little to do with the glaring Mer prince.

Pretty sure a certain demon's the one that's making him seem a bit fidgety.

However, he is not the only god present, and isn't that just a weird thing to be able to note? On the right side of the source of Nero's hatred are two gods while a fourth god sits to his left. Out of all of them, though, there is only one that I know personally, and he is sitting just to the right of the one Nero hates.

"Your hair looks especially fluffy today, Faery Godfather," I comment, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room the moment the Mer congregation - Felix, Nero, that Mer advisor from that Open Court day, and Atasah, who is basically a Mer at this point - and myself entered the room and introductions on our side were made. To be honest, I am only here because of boredom and my ability to annoy anyone into accepting my requests, so it is not like I actually know what is going on with this meeting, but if no one starts talking soon, then I do not see how anything is going to go on in the first place.

"Fairy Godf-?" The god I visited Faerie with - pretty sure his name started with an 'A' or something, but the gods haven't introduced themselves yet, so who knows - starts to ask in accented English, but Nero, who is seated to my right, interrupts him.

"What is he doing here?"

The hated god frowns a little, the expression tugging at his mouth almost enough to make it a full grimace, but it is the fourth god - I'm gonna call this one Mr. Godly - who actually seems to take offense, as he starts to stand with a very impressive glower. Before he can say anything, however, the god seated the furthest to the right leans forward to glare at the two on the other side of Faery Godfather. "This isn't the time," he snaps, looking for all the world like he does not want to be here.

Don't know why, but I'm thinking Lord Angry for him.

"He-he killed Atasah," Nero snaps back, though his attention is not on Lord Angry but on his archnemesis.

Blinking in surprise, as that was definitely not what I was expecting to hear, I glance at the demon seated three seats away from me. "You don't look very dead," I point out, and though I try to keep my tone light, I cannot help but eye him warily around Felix and the advisor.

Can demons become undead?

"I got better," Atasah replies, and for someone who was supposedly killed by the god across the table from him, he does not seem all that bothered by it. And this is only proven when the demon meets his husband's eyes and calmly says, "Nero."

Nero huffs like a child told to stand in the corner, but at least he does not continue to rile up the very dangerous gods sitting at the table. "Atasah-aum," the Mer replies, and though the endearment is soft, the look he is giving the gods across from us is the exact opposite.

Not sure whether to snicker at the petulant Mer prince or side with him, I settle on grinning and leaning forward so I can rest my elbows on the table as Mr. Godly sits back down. Out of the corner of my eye, Felix looks like he is preparing to say something, but with the way the mood is at the table, I doubt any serious talk is going to be welcomed yet. So, I ask Nero's Archnemesis, "Did you get better, too, or was news of your death greatly exaggerated?"

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