Chapter Six: The Weirdest

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~Chapter Six: The Weirdest~

The next afternoon sees me walking towards the dining hall to meet up with Cyra for our game of hide and seek around the castle. However, I am not even a third of a way there when I am stopped. Well, stopped by curiosity and nosiness, not by an actual person. After all, few would dare to stop a wendigo, and those that would stopped me yesterday, which means the odds of them stopping me today are pleasantly low.

Down the hall, in the middle of a three-way intersection between different wings in the castle, stand Atasah and the crown prince, who is also acting king with the real king on a trip. Normally, two people suspiciously gathered in a hallway would not have kept my attention for long, even if one of them is my favorite demon, but they are not just standing around, having a mild conversation or even doing something scandalous; they are arguing. And I love a good argument.

However, I, unfortunately, cannot get too close. At best, I can see them from all the way down the hall, but if I were to try to get closer, I would be seen, as the crown prince is facing my way and I am not dressed for stealth in my pink shirt and light blue pants. Which, in all honesty, I probably should have considered more thoroughly this morning when I pulled them out of the dresser, as I am on my way to play a game that requires me to actually hide, and that will be hard when I look like a stereotypical baby shower commercial.

And since I cannot move closer in these bright clothes, I can barely hear what they are saying. It is clear from the way Atasah is gesturing aggressively with his arms at Fish Man that at least one of them is angry, but they are not raising their voices especially high, likely for to keep people like me from listening in. Unfortunately for them, though, my ears are amazing.

"...saw...because he hasn't...entire time...I don't care...if you don't...or you...whether or not..." Atasah says, his voice clearly heated, even though what he is saying makes absolutely no sense. If I could hear the full sentences, I could probably guess what Atasah is talking about, but I am not even sure if he is talking about the same thing or if he is just angry about something in general and is making examples.

When the crown prince replies, he does so even quieter, so I really have to strain my ears to hear even just a few words. ", but...wears...on its own...any day" Fish Man says, his face set in a scowl.

"...wait!" Atasah snaps, putting such a strong emphasis on that last word that I would have to be deaf not to hear it. Or a human.

Whatever Fish Man says back is inaudible from here, but from his expression, he seems to be conceding something, and since Atasah looks victorious and relieved, I assume that the Mer just admitted defeat to the argument. Before either of them can say anything more, though, the crown prince looks around warily, and, for a moment, I fear he might see me, as I am peeking part of my head out around the corner, even though I am being careful to keep my antlers hidden by tilting my head just right.

However, the prince misses me completely, as he just glances over my hiding spot without pause. Despite not seeing anything, though, the prince seems to suggest that they go somewhere else to talk, as he then gestures down the hall leading away from me, and Atasah starts walking in that direction with Fish Man at his side. I am tempted to follow them, but since I am probably already late to meet with Cyra, it would be best to keep my snooping to a minimum.

For now.

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"And, remember, no cheatsies."

Dressed like a cartoon ninja in black from head to toe, Cyra rolls her eyes. "That isn't even a word," she grumbles. "Besides, how do you cheat in hide and seek?"

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