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A few hours later, after Nero has returned with his army and the rest of Felix's family is safely back within the palace, after the repairs of the city and castle have begun, after Jackson left with the promise of our deal, there is a party in Nero and Atasah's rooms. It is not a big party, since it is just me, Atasah, Felix, and the three older princesses. Cyra would have come, but she fell asleep basically between one breath and the next, so her sisters tucked her in back in her own room and left her under the watch of a mini army of palace guards.

She's still a kid, after all, and all that excitement could wear out even the most stubborn of adults.

And, boy, did it. The three sisters look almost dead on their feet, as they only returned from their very long swims across oceans about an hour ago - the fighting only having stopped seven hours earlier - after having been recalled, and Nero does not look much better, even if the very handsy greeting Atasah gave him upon his return thirty minutes ago definitely seemed to brighten his night. Atasah himself seems more mentally exhausted than physically exhausted, but he did admit that he fought a few people while protecting Cyra after I left to find Felix, so I bet he is feeling a bit drained.

Felix, well...Felix was probably hit by all this the hardest, as it is not like he was sleeping very well before everything went down, and the fact that he has been busy basically all day - it took a lot of coercing to make him leave his office for the impromptu party, even though it started well after midnight - has not helped. Of course, he seems alert and is keeping up with the conversations his siblings are having, but sitting in the comfiest chair was probably not the best idea for him, as I have not failed to notice his eyes closing for longer than a blink more than a handful of times.

Someone's going to pass out soon if they aren't careful.

Unlike everyone else, I might not be all that exhausted, but the hunger in my stomach has been burning a little more than before, which means I will need to eat sooner rather than later. Something which is finally an option, something I no longer have to fear going on land for.

Since I am not sitting in the family circle - a circle which is more of a weird rectangle since the siblings are spread out on different chairs and the couch around the low table in the middle - and everyone but Felix, Atasah, and Nero have their backs to where I am leaning up against the wall, I allow myself a small, pleased smirk as I think of how amazing it will feel to finally not have to fear my own kind finding me. I mean, I will still have to be wary, as Alice was a perfect example of a wendigo who does not care about whether or not I have a new sire, but Jackson gave one of the guards his phone number on his way out, who then wrote it down and delivered it to me...though I do have to wonder why he did not just give it to me himself.

Need for a dramatic exit? Or maybe he didn't think I'd remember it.

My smirk grows into a grin when I catch Felix looking at me, and I wiggle my fingers in his direction in a mock wave. He seems to just barely refrain from rolling his eyes, but I do not miss the way his mouth twitches upward briefly, which only makes my grin wider.


Something his oldest sister - I should probably at least attempt to learn their names eventually, but maybe not just yet; I can probably mess with them a little more first - says draws Felix's attention back to the conversation, and my smile fades. After all, even with everyone celebrating, including Valentin and Giselle, who stopped by earlier with enthusiastic hugs for everyone except Nero and the sisters since they were still gone at the time, it is not hard to remember that this is technically not over. Not yet, at least. The war is only on a hiatus, after all, and though there is no guarantee that the Greek sea gods will darken the Mer's doorstep ever again, no one is willing to get their hopes up before the year break is over.

The Unwanted Wendigo [ManxMan]Where stories live. Discover now