EXTRA Chapter Three: Wed and Bed

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~EXTRA Chapter Three: Wed and Bed~

When I pictured getting married, I honestly was not sure what I should expect. I mean, I read the books on Mer weddings and was there for Atasah's, but it is one thing to watch someone get married and another thing to be in the middle of it. Plus, since Felix is king, it is no normal wedding; it is excessively fancy, public, and almost painfully traditional. And then, adding onto that, it is not entirely Mer traditions being honored.

Because Jackson is a bastard.

But that is besides the point. When I pictured getting married, I expected a lot and also nothing because weddings are boring. That is all. And that is exactly what I tell myself as I pace outside the main doors of the temporarily remodeled and properly-decorated throne room that will be serving as the wedding venue. Because though this is my wedding to Felix - the wedding I never thought I would have but maybe kind of, sort of dreamed about...just a little - it is also a wedding that is not technically just for Felix and me, which means it will likely have long-winded speeches, unimportantly-important people, and lots and lots of small talk.

So, no, my hopes aren't up; I'm being realistic.

Taking a deep breath and ignoring the amused looks from the guards who have been watching me pace for five minutes, I reach for the doors, ready to step inside and approach the altar, where Felix should be waiting. According to Mer tradition, he would have already taken his walk down the aisle, where he will be standing with the officiator - his uncle on his mother's side, apparently - in front of the gathered crowd. All I need to do now is join him up there, and the ceremony will begin.

"Lancelot," a voice calls sharply, and I immediately jerk my hands back from the doors, only to mentally scowl when I realize that doing so inadvertently reveals just how jumpy I am right now to one of the few people who should not know.

"What?" I demand, crossing my arms. My hands are not shaking, but keeping them out of sight ensures that they will not start when I least want them to.

Jackson, who is now wearing a white suit and a mask almost identical to mine but dark grey, says nothing until he is directly beside me, and before I can gather the sense to take a step back, he snatches my arm, forcing it to uncross, and snags it with his own. It takes me all of a second to realize what he is doing, but when I try to pull my arm free, he holds tight and starts tugging me towards the doors.

The guards look uncertain, but at his gesture, they open the doors for us - damn it, I wanted to do that - and it is only because all heads turn to look that I stop fighting his grip on my arm as he leads me down the aisle. "Happy wedding customs," Jackson murmurs, almost as a warning.

In other words, he told Felix this would happen.

So, instead, because throwing those customs that Felix - and who knows who else - already knows about in Jackson's face and possibly ruining Felix's planning, I accepted this with a brief scowl directed at my adopted sire's. "I'm not a bride," I growl lowly, just to make sure no one hears us.

"You're not," Jackson agrees easily, "but you are my nestling, who I'm handing off to a husband. It's symbolic."

I grunt, "You're dramatic."

Jackson turns his head just enough to give me a flat look, which shows easily through his mask since I know it well enough by now. "And you aren't?"

"I'm the pinnacle of seriousness," I mutter, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. As we walk by the last few rows, I do not fail to notice the faint smile on Not-Liam's face as well as the exasperation on Ahanu's as we pass them, as they have no doubt heard our entire hushed conversation since the hall fell silent the moment we walked in.

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