Chapter Thirty-eight: Unexpected Discovery

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[WARNING: Implications of an inappropriate relationship/grooming behavior.]

~Chapter Thirty-eight: Unexpected Discovery~

For all that I do not want to be here, the following week is not all that painful. At least, not in a mental and emotional way. My stomach hurts like nothing else as the unending but still gradually increasing hunger eats away at it, and that day Jackson began teaching me about the Law was definitely not the last time he literally stomped me into the ground, but having feared capture for so many years, I was expecting something far worse to happen upon my defeat. Instead, what I ended up with is an overly-watchful minder and his pseudo-father, both of whom have done little more than keep an eye on me and make sure I learn the different parts of the Law.

Though, they've still yet to move on from the part of the Law that talks about nestlings, and if I have to hear one of them say 'nestlings are to be protected' one more time, I'm going to break something.

I would have escaped by now if I had an opening, but Jackson watched me very closely for the day - just one, single day - that Ahanu was asleep following his meal before the old wendigo returned and they began taking turns again. Of course, Jackson is still the one who spends the most time with me, but I can tell that he is getting hungry as well, as his fuse is a bit short, and I know that I have heard his stomach gurgle at least once. Eventually, he will have to eat, and then it will just be Ahanu, who...who is admittedly harder to distract than Jackson.

Where Jackson has slightly more modern tastes, as he likes to watch the television and read newspapers, Ahanu seems to only have the television for Jackon's sake, as he has never so much as touched the thing without Jackson in the room in the entire time I have been here. The only things I have actually seen him pay attention to are the books in languages I cannot understand - aside from the three in Spanish, though they are so old that they still do not make all that much sense - on his shelves and the occasional newspaper article that Jackson first calls attention to. Otherwise, the old wendigo seems to spend most of his time either meditating or holding a conversation in some random language - I am pretty sure it changes by day - with Jackson, who is apparently also multi-lingual.

And, okay, maybe it is a little cool that they seem to know so many different languages.

Still, though I will likely eagerly seek out a way to learn another language once I am safely away from here and back in the underwater kingdom, now is not the time to think about that. Now is the time to be such an absolute brat that Jackson wants to take a break. Well...'now' as in, after I am finished with my shower 'now,' anyway.

Though, I suppose I could still start now if I really want to.

"The bathroom's a bit lacking in windows for me to escape, don't you think?" I ask, barely raising my voice, as I know he will be able to hear me over the sound of the running water.

On the other side of the shower curtain, Jackson hums - a sound that echoes oddly in the steam-filled bathroom - before he says, "I'm not in here to watch you shower; I'm shaving."

So, that's what that sound was...

"Does that mean if I scare you really bad, you'll slit your throat?"

Jackson sighs in what is likely exasperation before he replies, "It's a disposable, Lancelot, not a straight razor. At most, I'd nick my chin."

If papercuts are annoying for the few minutes they last, I bet razor cuts would be annoying, too.

I open my mouth to do something stupid, but then I hear the soft tap of what sounds like the razer being put down and huff in disappointment. I mean, in all honesty, I doubt there was anything I could do that would scare him, but it still would have been nice to at least try, even if it would have likely ended with me being pinned to the floor for the fourth time this week...

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