Chapter Forty-four: Murphy's Law

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[Warning: Brief, somewhat-detailed gore.]

~Chapter Forty-four: Murphy's Law~

Wendy the Supernanny was fine in theory, but seventeen hours later?

Now, Cyra is, by no means, poor company...except for when she kind of is. The blame, though, does not fall on her for that; it is the fear of what is to come that has been making her a bit snappish. There is also the fact that every hour so far has started with her asking questions that then make me worried about what-if situations that I really do not want to be thinking about, and that in turn makes me frustrated as well. But again, I cannot blame her for that; she is just reacting to the tension in the air.

Tension that I'm contributing to, if I'm being honest.

After seventeen hours of inactivity, one would think that nothing is going to happen, as there are already battles being fought elsewhere, and for the enemy to spread their forces even thinner to attack a third target would be suicide. Only, maybe not, because if anyone knows the size of the Poseidon's army, they have not said anything, so splitting up for a third time could be a completely feasible plan.

And then there is the fact that I have been away from Felix for seventeen hours. It was easier at first, but my instincts have been screaming at me to return to his side, even if my gut has been telling me that I am just overreacting and turning into a clingy, possessive octopus, which should honestly concern me more than it does. At this point, I am starting to wonder if it has less to do with some kind of trauma and more to do with just liking Felix's presence. Because while I kind of want to just blame it all on not having any welcome people in my life while I was stuck at Ahanu's, Felix is also my fiance - however tentative it still feels - and I do not want to feel uncomfortable when I say that I might just want to be near him.

Though, admittedly, at least part of the reason I want to be near him is not for personal reasons; Felix just really needs a no-wendigo. No doing work past ten o'clock. No skipping meals. No bottling everything up and pretending nothing's wrong. No, bad Felix, bad.

Fortunately, before I could go down the rabbit hole of no-return - otherwise known as, the Rabbit Hole of Thinking Up Ways to Make Felix Stops Making Bad, Unhealthy Life Decisions That Will One Day Kill Him - Atasah showed up. At the time of his arrival, Cyra and I were not talking but instead silently brooding over anything and everything, so having Atasah appear was a nice change of pace that distracted us both from our varying levels of mental darkness, and distractions like that are always welcome.

Still, it was not until an hour after he showed up with Cyra's lunch that he decides to share some good news - or at least, not terrible news - upon Cyra's prompting for information.

"Veles, Ainmire, and Hors are waiting on standby, along with a few other gods I can't remember the names of," Atasah says, pausing in the middle of his third bored walk around the room, which puts him almost directly between the chair I am in and the bed Cyra is on. Though he sounds apologetic about that last part, as if it is some grave offense to the deities to not remember their usually-obscure names, I could care less about what they are called; I am more interested in the fact that they are actually on standby, like some kind of fancy backup.

Fighting gods with other gods as backup - life is so cool.

Of course, there is still the fact that I would much rather be by Felix's side instead of waiting in a side room and playing supernanny to someone who is honestly not all that happy to be sharing a room with me - or anyone - at the moment. Though, to be honest, I am actually starting to wonder if Cyra is trying to encourage me in her own way to join Felix rather than waiting around with her, but even if that is the case, it is not like I am going to leave Felix's baby sister to fend for herself.

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