Chapter Twenty-six: The Unnamed Source

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~Chapter Twenty-six: The Unnamed Source~

" stay out of Poseidon's business, because we won't like the outcome," Nero finishes, uncrossing his arms for the fifth time during his explanation. If I did not know better, I would say he is nervous.

The chair Felix is sitting in squeaks in protest when the king leans back. "And you said the unnamed source just happened upon a god and then decided to tell you about it?" The king asks, and there is not a doubt in my mind that he knows just who that unnamed source is. After all, it is pretty suspicious that I followed Nero all the way to Felix's office for absolutely no reason at all while the prince brought important information from an anonymous source. Information that I then proceeded to correct on multiple occasions because I could.

However, despite how obvious we have been about it, neither of us has said the source is me, and Felix seems to be trying to respect that, even if he, without a doubt, exasperated by us. So, when Nero nods, it is no surprise that the king just sighs, "Very well."

Still, it was very fortunate that Nero actually agreed to not outright tell his brother of my involvement. He was not happy about the idea of lying to Felix while also covering up the fact that I might be in danger, but he reluctantly agreed that it is my choice who knows about my personal business when I forced the issue. That did not keep him from trying to change my mind on the walk over to Felix's office, of course, but it has kept him from outright naming me - even if he did heavily imply my involvement a couple of times in the story, which consisted only of the questions about the royal family and the threats, as there are some things the Mer do not need to know.

Nero deserves a cookie for being so sneaky with his hints.

For a moment, no one says anything, and it is rather tempting to just interrupt their silence - Felix looks thoughtful while Nero is just being respectful of his brother - but since I actually want the king to think about this and not just head first into danger, I wait. Like a good little wendigo...a term I am really starting to hate.

After a moment, though, Nero breaks first. "I think we should raise our defenses."

Felix seems to search his brother's face for a moment before he simply says, "I agree, but why?"

A possibility homicidal god seems like a good incentive.

"Unless you intend to actually heed the warning, which I rather doubt," the prince says, casting a skeptical look at his brother, "we're going to have to make sure our cities are safe from further attacks."

Crossing my arms slowly, I look between them, uncertain. "Wait," I interrupt, "you're just going to ignore the threat?"

The brothers exchange a glance. "Of course not," Felix says, interlocking his fingers and resting his elbows on the desk in front of him, "I'm just not going to follow it. If they want us to stop looking into everything, then that's all the more reason to keep looking."'s stupid that he's probably right.

"You'll be up against gods," I remind him, because right or not, even I know the dangers of facing a god. These Mer have far more to lose than I ever have, and if godly beings are even half as vicious and unforgiving as I have heard, then they will lose a lot.

Felix shakes his head. "It's either fight the gods or let them finish whatever they are planning. I might not know what their plans are, but I doubt they mean well, if those hints about Poseidon's involvement in the attacks and the murder of our...of our father are any indication."

Again, he's probably not wrong.

"Besides, the other kingdoms are already looking for a war after the murders of other important royalty, so there will be war regardless of what choices I make. At least if we can convince the other kingdoms to fight against a common enemy rather than each other, we will have a better chance," Felix finishes.

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