Chapter Forty-three: Underwater March

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~Chapter Forty-three: Underwater March~

The worst part about being abducted during the start of a war is the fact that there is a lot to miss. The worst part about returning only two days before the first major battle is that there is no time to really catch up on what was missed because no one wants to interrupt the recovery period. And while I did not hate the chance to readjust - something that I am still admittedly struggling with - at the time, I kind of regret not asking for more details, as I am sure this situation would make more sense if I had.

Then again, it's not like anyone's saying anything, so there isn't much to make sense of.

In fact, the only sounds that have occupied Felix's office in the last fifteen minutes have been the scrape of utensils on plates, chewing, and other food-eating noises. If Felix had been the only one in the room, I, of course, would have changed that, dragging him into a conversation whether he felt like it or not, but we are not alone, as it seems like the usual dinner party decided to conjugate in my fiance's office when they realized he would not be joining them for dinner in the dining hall.

The usual dinner party, plus a few extras, which is kind of what I'm having a hard time understanding.

I am not entirely sure why the entire royal family felt the need to clump together in Felix's office, bringing with them a few of important-looking military officers, but Felix only put up some token protests after he saw the food they brought with them. And though I appreciate the fact that their presence in the room is distracting him from his anxious brooding over a map of the oceans - it is a surprisingly cool map with magical markers that update every five minutes to tell him where his troops are - Felix's office is a bit small for everyone present, especially with all the chairs they brought with them. It is because of how cramped the office suddenly got that I had immediately left my spot on Felix's couch to hover over the king's shoulder at his desk, even if it was briefly tempting to situate myself on Atasah's lap to see if I could get Nero to dramatically spit out his food.

Couldn't they have just dragged Felix out instead of dragging themselves in?

Though, considering the fact that I would then have to follow them to whatever location they decided to take him to, I am not sure if I would have appreciated that either. It might be nice to see that Atasah, Nero, and Cyra are alive and well, was honestly a bit nice to be alone with Felix while it lasted. He might have been stressed about the whole battle thing, but he still told me what he could of the formations and protocols in place that allowed the army to prepare to leave on a moment's notice.

A moment's notice might still have been a moment too late, though. It's been hours since the messenger arrived, so what are the odds the Atlantic Kingdom is gone by the time they arrive?

Eyeing the military-looking officers that I have never officially met before - I've seen them around, but I only know that because their scents are vaguely familiar - I lean against the side of the back of Felix's chair, earning an uncertain look from my fiance. When I just wink at him, though, his brows draw together in what might be confusion but is likely actually worry. Since no one is talking, however, he seems hesitant to break the silence to say whatever is on his mind, so he just watches me for another moment before reluctantly returning to his food.

I might eat my former species, but isn't it at least a little cannibalistic of them to be eating fish all the time?

Before I can really follow that train of thought, I make the mistake of looking at my demon and catching his eye, only to be treated to a very suspicious look. And unlike Felix, Atasah does not have any reservations about breaking the silence. "Hey, Wendy, can I talk to you outside for a few minutes?"

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