Chapter Forty-five: The Monster - Part One

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[Warning: This half of the chapter is particularly violent and somewhat graphic.]

~Chapter Forty-five: The Monster~

Unsurprisingly, the taste of seaweed lingers even after we appear at whatever Triton's destination was, and I immediately drop down on my knees while my body tries to violently dispel it. It is eerily similar to what happened last time, but the grass has been replaced with stone, and the room we are in is familiar, which means we are definitely still inside the castle. Another familiar thing is the pair of feet within my line of sight - bare feet with clawed nails that kind of need a wash.

What'd Jackson say her name was? Alisha?

I don't really have a chance to consider if that is correct or not, as the owner of the feet crouches down in front of me, and there are suddenly sharp nails digging into my skin as a hand grabs my face. She forces me up by my head, which hurts, and that's probably why she does it. Baring my teeth at her in a not-grin while ignoring the aftertaste of vomit, I grab her wrist as tightly as I can and silently dare her to grab my face tighter.

Because if she crushes my head, I'll just come back, but angrier.

However, Whatever-Her-Name-is just smiles back unkindly before tilting her head towards Poseidon's son. "Thank you again, God Triton," she all but purrs, though the way she says his name sounds almost like an insult.

"I won't be doing this a third time," Triton says, and I do not have to see his expression to know he is displeased. "On your own head be it should you be unable to hold onto one of your own kind."

"There won't be a third time," she agrees, and the way she looks at me as she says it makes it sound like a threat. What that threat is, though, I cannot be sure.

Unless she killed Jackson, though, and he said I'd know if he died, there's no way she can become my new sire.

Just as Triton teleports - either Veles' wards broke or there is a reason Triton did not teleport me out of the castle, just to another part of it - away, I spot someone else just behind Al-whatever, as she was blocking him from sight until just now. Repressing the urge to groan, I close my eyes and momentarily try to will myself elsewhere. Maybe, if I am lucky, I will discover an ability to teleport that has long been forgotten by wendigo as a whole.

I would ask him why he's here, but the answer is pretty obvious. Aw, shucks, my sire really did come for me. How sweet.

When I open my eyes again - because it is never a good idea to look away from sadists - Jackson treats me to a blank stare that is honestly more concerning than a glare would be. Before I can consider the best course of action, though, Al-whatever shakes my head, and I can feel the nausea begin to build at the aggressive handling. "Little Lance," she coos, squeezing my face harder until my jaw starts to make concerning sounds, "you've been a naughty nestling."

If you squeeze much harder, I'll be a broken nestling.

Fortunately, Jackson seems to be thinking the same thing, as he snaps, "Alice!"

'Alice' rolls her eyes, but lets up on her grip a little, just enough that my jaw no longer feels like it is going to be dislocated. "Oh, shut it, Jackson," she sneers, though she does not take her eyes off me, "you lost the nestling once already. You should lend him out and let your betters teach him proper manners."

I dig my nails harder into her arm, and though it is pleasing to see blood well up and start to flow down her skin, she barely even seems to notice. Since her hand is keeping my jaw from moving, however, the only other way to express my frustration is through glaring, so that is exactly what I do. Of course, I could attack, but Alice and Jackson are here, which means the odds of me winning any sort of a fair fight - not that I would ever fight fair, but I still don't stand a chance even if I cheat because they are not above cheating, too - are basically nonexistent.

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