EXTRA Chapter Five: A Die Has Been Cast

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[WARNING: References and lead up to intimate scenes. Skip to the first TWO (but only the first two) italicized sections if you don't want to read the graphic parts.]

~EXTRA Chapter Five: A Die Has Been Cast~

For all that I cannot find a single thing I dislike about it, spending the night and early hours of the morning in bed with Felix is odd. Since I did not feel the call to nap after only waking up from my food coma yesterday, there is no moment of waking that makes it feel any more or less real, as there are no dream fantasies that can distract me from reality. Still, it is almost surreal that what I get instead of sleep is hours of Felix's soft breathing against my neck, the solidness of his arms wrapped around my waist, the faint, lingering smell of sex in the air, and the memories of last night.


Felix is a bundle of nerves when I return to his office two hours after having left. The moment I step in, ready to reassure him in any way I have to that the night will only go as far as he wants and no further, he stops tapping his pen against the desk and looks up at me with a level of focus I have not seen since the beginning of our courtship. Of course, he had been attentive and focused throughout the later stages of our courtship, but he had also been easily distracted and frequently unable to meet my gaze. Now, though, he stares right back at me without blinking.

"I assume that since you're here, our plans are still on," Felix asks, though it seems less like a question and more like a statement of fact.

So formal.

"I should hope so since we only made them two hours ago," I point out, walking up to his desk to rest my palms on the cleared spaces. Leaning closer, all the while taking note of the fact that he does not look away or even lean back, I ask, "If you have something else in mind, though, I'm always open to spontaneous ideas."

In other words, just in case you want to back out at some point tonight, I want you to know I won't hold it against you, Fish Man.

Felix seems to catch onto the more subtle meaning, as his expression momentarily loses some of its intensity to be replaced with a small, grateful smile, but that smile quickly disappears again as he shakes his head and says, "The only thing I have in mind for tonight is getting you in our bed and out of those clothes."

Someone's been taking lessons from the School of Bluntness.

I hum softly in amusement. "Oh, really now?"

"Yes. Now, march," Felix says, and though his voice says he is completely serious, the faint twitch of his lips tells me that he is trying not to laugh.

So, I offer him a mock salute and tease, "Sir, yes, sir."


Huffing quietly, I look down at my husband and carefully rub my hand up and down his bare back. He stirs a little, but only to make a soft, pleased noise in his sleep while tightening his arms momentarily around my waist before falling still once more with a deep sigh. Pleased by the fact that it is well after the time he normally gets up to begin work, I carefully pull him closer so that he is more on top of me before gently drawing small nonsense patterns on his shoulder with my nails. He shivers a little but does not wake up.


The journey to our rooms is a rushed one, but not necessarily because we feel any sense of urgency to get started. No, it is rushed because neither Felix nor I want to risk running into anyone who might stop us to report something of interest or chat. When I teasingly called Felix out on avoiding his duties just as we returned to our rooms, he informed me that, if there is any matter of grave importance that really cannot wait, then someone would make sure to knock on our door. Otherwise, though, anything else can wait until the morning, especially if it is one of his nosy nobles looking to complain about something unimportant, as they have been known to do.

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