After Hours Part 2

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You hear Jimin pounding on the door, being dramatic.

You quickly let him in as he falls onto the floor. Huh, he must have been leaning against the door...

Skye: "Jimin... are you, okay?!" she says crying with laughter. She begins walking down the hallway towards him.

Jimin: "Can someone please help me up? I think I'm broken!" He's face first on the floor, talking into the carpet. Before either one of us could help him up, Ivy jumps on him and starts walking all over his back. "A massage works too, thanks Ivy."

He rolls over onto his back so he could see Ivy to pet her. "Your MOTHER," he pauses to look at you angrily "is terrible at letting people know she's safe!" Ivy meows at him in response. "She's so talkative, you think she understands what we are saying?"

You: "Not necessarily but i think she's learned to talk back. When i yell at her, her meows get sassy."

Skye: "It's true! When i got here, Y/n was talking to her about some guy and Ivy meowed back with attitude."

Jimin: "What guy..?" He sits up and sits against the wall.

You: "Skye, Shut Up." you say glaring at her, trying not to make eye contact with Jimin. But of course, she keeps talking.

She tells him the whole story and Jimin's just looking at you, almost if he's trying to figure out what you're thinking.

Jimin: "Did you get his name?"

You: "No, but I've never seen him around so he's probably from out of town... Can we just drop it, it's not like I'll ever see him again."

Skye: "Okay, fine. So what do you guy's wanna do?"

Jimin: "I'm not sure, it's kinda late and y/n and I have to be up early for work."

You: "Oh Jimin, I forgot to tell you. After I emailed Ms. Wilkin about the paperwork you finished, she told me that she won't need us tomorrow!"

Jimin: "Oh hell yes!! Got any alcohol?" He shoots up off the floor, rubbing his cheeck.

Skye: "Of course she does! I even brought some with me!"

You: "Wanna go sit on the beach and get drunk?!"

Skye and Jimin: "YESS!!!" They looked at each other and gave shy smiles. They are too cute.

You guys head to the beach with a couple of blankets and the bottles of alcohol. Jimin started a fire and you guys began drinking. It was relaxing at first, hearing the waves crash and the calm voices of your 2 best friends next to you. You all took a few more shots of the vodka and talked for a while about random things. Skye and Jimin got lost in their own conversation so you laid back on the blanket looking at the stars. You let your mind wander, but all of a sudden, Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome came across your mind again. Why am I thinking about him so much? We didn't even talk. I mean, he was extremely handsome and the way he looked at me almost drove me crazy. You hear his chuckle and him say "Cute" in your head over and over again. Skye and Jimin were having their own conversation, flirting, cuddling and getting close. You didn't feel left out, just lonely. Lately you've been feeling like something is missing, it might be nice to have someone close, all to yourself. Someone to care about you and love you, someone you could share everything with. You thought about Jungkook, maybe you should give him a try?

Skye: "You  okay Y/n?"

Jimin: " What's on your mind?"

You looked away from them, not wanting them to pry. "I think I'm gonna call Jungkook." you say quietly. As you look to your left, you get a view of your neighbors house. You can hear them gasping and cheering in surprise at your words but your too focused on the house next door. How did i not see that before? There had been a "For Sale" sign in the yard for months but it says it's sold now, I wonder her bought it? You slowly get up, your curiosity getting the best of you. They both stand up to follow you. 

Jimin: "Y/n.... Where are you going?"

You: "Skye, did you notice that this house was sold?"

Skye: "Oh shit.... No, it's been vacant for months. I guess I just got so used to seeing the sign that I stopped paying attention."

All 3 of you walk clumsily to the house, now feeling the affects of the alcohol. You haven't seen any moving vans so you all figured it was empty. You walk into the windows, just to have a peak. You all look inside to see if anyone is there, nothing except for a desk with some papers on it, empty beer bottle and a lamp. It's kinda hard to see into the house since it's on a hill. you walk to the back where the patio is to get a better look.

You: "Jimin, pass me that chair." you whisper, slightly slurring your words.

He grabs the chair and places it under the window. You carefully step up, holding onto the window frame.

Skye: "What do you see?!" she almost yells.

You: "Skye, SHHHH" you say messily putting a finger to your lips. 

As soon as you look back into the window, you see a light turn on in the room.

You: "SHIT! RUN!" you whisper yell. As soon as you warn them, Jimin takes off. You didn't realize that he was holding part of the chair to keep it steady. This causes you to fall off and onto the ground onto your side. It wasn't that far of a drop but you landed with all your weight on your right arm. You yell "OW!"

Skye: "SHIT Y/n!" she runs back towards you and helps you up. You both run as fast as you can back to the house, hoping not to be seen. You barge inside and slam the door behind you, leaning against it breathing heavily and holding your arm. You both look at each other and start laughing. Jimin walks in from outside with the blankets and alcohol. You walk towards him, grabbing one of the bottles. You take a big sip and plop down on the couch.

Jimin: "What a rush! I didn't think anyone was home." he says as he sits next to you.

You: "Me either! Do you think they saw?"

Skye: "probably not since the only light out here is from the moon and the fire we had going. We ran inside through the front door so we should be good!" She takes the bottle from you and drinks from it.

Jimin: "She's right. Y/n, how's your arm?"

You: "It's fine for now, but I'm pretty drunk so who knows how I'll feel tomorrow." you chuckle.

You pull out your phone and text Jungkook. 

You: "Great he curved me but he didn't

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You: "Great he curved me but he didn't." You say after reading the message.

Skye: "What do you mean?"

You handed her your phone to read the messages. They both read them and looked at you blankly.

Jimin: "well it is late. At least he messaged you back, he left me on read." He said with a pout.

You: "He must like me more but you're right. I think I'm gonna head to bed." you get off the couch and head into your room. Ivy follows, jumping up onto the bed, waiting for you to lay down. You hear Skye and Jimin giggle in the other room so you peak your head into the hallway. "You two behave!" you say chuckling. You walk to the window to let the breeze flow into your room. It doesn't take long for you to fall fast asleep once your head hits the pillow. What an interesting day.

Lights Out

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