What Now?

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You and Skye were sitting in the living room as silent as silence gets. Well she was sitting, you on the other hand, were pacing around the room like a maniac.

So many thoughts and concerns were racing through your mind. Every time Skye was about to day something you stick your finger out shushing her. She knew better than to say anything, she also knew you were gonna blow... diarrhea of the mouth and mind. Words were just gonna start coming out and all sorts of emotions were gonna arise.

You continued to pace faster and faster, getting more stressed as time went on. These minutes felt like hours to you and it was driving you insane.

You: "HOW?! how in the actual FUCK AM I PREGNANT?!"

Skye goes to answer but you shut her down. "Dont answer that!" Shes trying so hard not laugh, the situation isnt funny but you were acting hysterical.

You: "What am I gonna do?!?!?!?!?!" You then proceeded to scream up at the ceiling.

Skye gets up, gently putting one of the throw pillows over your mouth to muffle the scream. As soon as she puts it over your face you start laughing.

You both go into a huge laughing fit. But your laughs soon turn into soft cries as you both sink to the floor.

Skye: "F/n....."

You: "What am I gonna do Skye...?"

Skye sighs in sympathy. "I don't know boo... do you want to keep it?"

You: "Well yes and no. I'm ready but I'm not ready... Namjoon and I have only been together for a month and now hes away on business.... How am I supposed to tell him???"

Skye: "You'll just have to wait until he comes home... For now, we will keep it between us until you can figure things out. Until then, I'll move in early and stay with you as much as possible..."

You sigh in a bit of relief. "You're the best... you've always been there for me..." you hug her tightly, showing your appreciation.

Skye: "I'll always be here for you, especially now. No matter what your decision is, I'll support you 100%. But you already know that!"

You: "Yeah you're right. Thank you, I love you Skye.."

Skye: "I love you too girl. Now come on!" She says standing up, pulling you with her. "Let's start getting my stuff packed!!"

You nod in agreement as the two of you head over to her apartment. You stopped by the store to grab some boxes and tubs to put her things in. As you were walking through the store, Skye stopped to look at the cat toys.

Skye: "Grab a new toy for Ivy, I'll buy it!" She says as she walks away.

Hmmmm... it's not unusual for her to make gestures like this when things happen but shes being suspicious... oooo a black collar!!!

As you got lost in the cat toys and clothes, Skye snuck off to the book aisle. Little did you know, she was buying you pregnancy and baby books while you were distracted.

Once you picked out what you liked, you went looking for her. You figured she was atleast in the same area.. Looked down the closest aisles and couldn't find her. Where is she? Eh might as well call her!

As the phone dials you instantly hear a ring behind you. "Oh there you are!"

Skye: "I just went to grab some packing tape!" She says showing you what she grabbed. "Did you find something you wanted?"

You nod happily "Yeah! I'm gonna get this cute collar for her!"

She smiles back at you as you walk to the register to pay for the packing supplies and cat collar.

Time Skip

"Phew!" Skye says as she wipes her forehead. "Wow we've packed a lot!"

You: "Well we have been here since 4 o'clock!" You say falling back on to the couch.

Skye: "Wait, what time is it??" She says out of breath.

You pull out your phone to check the time. "It's 9:46!"

Skye: "Its a lot later than I thought.  We can stop here! I only have a few things left to pack."

You: "Sounds great to me!! Can we just crash here tonight? I'm super tired!!"

Skye: "Yeah if course, plus we've got a busy day tomorrow!"

You: "Wait, what's Tomorrow?" You say furrowing your brows.

Skye: "Well I figured why wait 2 weeks? I can just get Jimin to help us move my stuff in tomorrow, that way I can be here to help you with your pregnancy and stuff."

You: "Yeah I guess you're right. UGH the pregnancy!" You say looking down at the ground.

Skye plops down next to you on the couch. "So come on, in all honesty, what do you want?"

You look at her and sigh. "Well I've only had a day to think about it but I want to keep the baby. I know that financially it's not an issue since I'm making better money now. But I'm not apposed to getting rid of it either... That sounds terrible but honestly, if Namjoon doesn't want the baby, I won't keep it. I either do this with him, as in we are together raising a child, or I dont do this at all...."

Skye: "I understand... so what if he doesn't want to keep it..."

You: "Then we make decisions from there... but I can't keep trying to assume what he wants or what hes going to say... I'll just have to see when the time comes..."

Skye: "When does he get home anyway?"

You: "That's the thing, I have no idea... He's gonna SuRpRiSe Me." You say in a sarcastic tone.

Skye: "Oh of course this happens when you actually need to know what hes coming back!" She rolls her eyes in annoyance for you. "So how are you gonna tell him?"

You: "well actually, I think a few days after he comes back I'm gonna take an at home pregnancy test and give it to him!"

Skye: "Yeah that's good! I just hope he reacts well, I dont wanna see you hurt!"

You: "I know, I do too.... I dont wanna talk about this anymore tonight, let's watch a movie please.."

Skye gives you a warm smile as she turns on Netflix. The two of you pick a movie and quickly fall asleep. Hopefully the move goes smoothly tomorrow!

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