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It's been 2 weeks since you found out you were pregnant. It's been harder and harder keeping it from Namjoon but you knew that if you told him over the phone while he was in Korea, he'd drop everything and come home. Not that you were apposed to that at this point. You missed him a lot and the two of you talked on the phone as much as you could but between the time difference and his work it's been hard to communicate.  It doesn't help that your hormones have been on high and you are starting to get overly emotional. Jimin and Skye have been doing a good job of putting up with you though, they are such great friends.

You look down at the stack of paperwork in front of. You exhale loudly, running your hand through your hair. It's already 4 P.M. and you've only got half of the work done. "Looks like another late night." You say out loud as your grab your pen. With that, you get busy finishing up the 158 pages of work orders. The now closed store is echoing with sounds of you stamping, stapling and typing, vigilantly working away. 

This was a regular thing for you now. The business was really taking off, leaving you all with full plates, especially with Namjoon gone. You worked the store alone these days, making it hard to get all the store work done. Jin put Jimin in charge of installation and inspection, which has him out of the store almost all day and when he was here, he relaxed but you couldn't blame him. The business has been so successful that you've even had to hire a crew to help Jimin with the external work. It's nice that he has the help but you need it now as well. Especially since you're pregnant. Lately, this has caused some anxiety, only because a of right now, no one would be able to help out when the baby comes.

You look up from your work to take a breather. You look at the clock and it reads 8:16 P.M.

There is no way it's already 8... Iv'e barely got any... You almost gasp as you look at your progress. You only have 1 sheet left. Wow i must have been on super-drive...

You finish the last sheet but as you are stapling the receipt to it, you hear a soft thud in the showroom. You look up and out through the office windows but you don't see anything in the shop. You ignore the sound and file the paperwork away and save your progress on the computer. As you log out, you hear the thud again. What the hell is that..? You get up from your seat quietly, sneaking to the doorway of the office. You look around the shop, struggling to see in the dark, you probably should leave a few lights on while you are here alone...

You step out into the showroom, walking the wall to the right, if you have your back to the wall, no one can sneak up behind you. You aren't necessarily scared, it's probably just one of the service guys returning tools, right? You sneak around the showroom shelves, keeping your head down so no one see's you. You eventually get to the front desk and you haven't seen or heard anything. You roll your eyes and walk back towards the office. "Wow, I really need to get some sleep, I'm driving myself crazy!" You shake your head and roll your eyes at the situation. You almost chuckle at the situation. 

You grab your things from under your desk and make sure everything is off and locked up. You're about to reach for the door but you hear the thud again, this time its coming from the garage. What the hell is going on.. There is no way I'm imagining things...

Now you're scared, you checked the showroom and there was nobody here. All the other doors were locked, you made sure when you closed the shop after the boys went home. You head towards the door that takes you into the garage, grabbing one of the poles for pool nets. You tiptoe back through the store. "Hello..?" You hesitantly call out. Yeah, good idea F/n, like a killer or robber is gonna say hi back. You walk passed all the hot-tubs and pool liners. Your heart starts beating faster as you get farther into the garage. You hear the thud again but this time it's super close. Your heart is practically jumping out of your chest as you try to locate the noise. You're running out of store to look so your nerves are on 10. You brace yourself as you turn the last corner, only to reveal a mouse on the shelf. You shriek like a 10 year old girl in a horror movie, causing the mouse to squeak and scurry away. You laugh hysterically, putting your hand on your heart. "Oh wow, I'm such a puss!" You set the pole down and speed walk back through the garage and out of the store, locking the door behind you.

You're still a bit spooked so you walk to car speedily, making sure you hit that unlock button on your key fob repeatedly. You get into your car quickly, starting it and immediately locking the doors. You turn the music up, distracting yourself as your drive home. No more scares, my hearts gonna give out on me!!

You pull up to your house, ready to laugh with Skye about your night at work but you're disappointed to see the lights off in the house. You hated when you came home late and she was asleep. You hated the fact that as soon as you got home you went to bed. You had no time for yourself or others and it was exhausting.

You walk up to the house, unlocking the door. As soon as you walk in, you're hit with a familiar but distant smell of cologne and deodorant. The smell makes you smile and feel warm inside. It'd been too long since you've been around it. You head up the stairs and down the hallway towards you room. As you got closer, you could see a soft glow in the crack of your closed door. You slowly opened it, revealing lit candles and rose petals in the shape of a heart on the bed with a note at it's center.

You step towards the bed grabbing the note, excitingly opening it.

Dear F/n,

I've missed you so much and I'm so glad to be home! It took me a while to figure out how I was going to surprise you, you just kept surprising me! I'll explain when you're here! 


A huge smile spreads over your face. You quickly run out of the house, dashing across the yard. You get to his door and you don't even knock, bursting into the house. "NAMJOON?!" You yell excitedly. You look down the hallway and see his head poke out of the bedroom. 

"F/N!!!!" He walks toward you, grabbing you tightly. "Oh i missed you so much baby! I wish you could have been there! I'm definitely taking you next time!" 

You squeeze him back hard, so happy that he's back. "I'd love to go with you!! I'm never letting you go!"

He chuckles. "Never sweetheart!" 

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