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Skye's POV

I stood in the doorway of my room, looking at the few boxes I had left to unpack. My lazy self has been putting them off for a while. I stared for a while until Jimin shifted in bed, he's such a cutie. He slowly sits up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Are you still staring at those boxes?" He said with a  raspy voice.

I took a deep breath and looked at my feet.

Jimin: "Just unpack them, there's only 3."

I met his gaze and give him a half smile. Yeah sure, there's only 3 but for some reason I just didn't have the motivation to even open them.

Jimin: "Come on, I have about an hour and a half before I have to be at work, I'll help you."

I nodded in agreement as Jimin scooted down to the end of the bed. We both took turns grabbing items from the boxes and finding places for them in my room. They were full of random items that we had grabbed last minute the day of the move. A lot of it probably could have been thrown away but I'll probably use them one day.

While Jimin finished the last box I hopped in the shower. I didn't have to work today but since I'm already up, I might as well officially start my day. It was already almost 2 p.m. About half way through mt shower, Jimin come in to say goodbye. He sticks his head in the shower, giving me a big kiss. When he pulls away, he just stares, making me feel shy.

Jimin: "mmmm babe, you're so sexy. When I come home, you're all mine...."

He leans in for another kiss but I gently put my hand on his chest rejecting it. "Go to work creep." I said with a smile. 

Jimin groaned in frustration. "Ughhhhhh! fine." He quickly steals a kiss and runs out of the bathroom giggling like a school boy.

I looked at the open bathroom door. "JIMIN!!! YOU DIDN'T CLOSE THE DOOR!" I yelled down to him. 

Faintly I could hear his response. "I gOt To Go To WoRk!" and then the front door shuts. Asshole. 

I finished my shower and got dressed. Bacon and orange juice sound so good right now! I headed towards the stairs to go and have my late lunch. Passing F/n's room caused me to stop. She had sent me a picture of her room and the note Namjoon left for her a few days ago, those two are so cute. I wish Jimin would do something like that for me, but I can't complain can I? I mean, he did ask me to be his girlfriend in candlelight on the beach. The thought of that night always makes me smile, I couldn't be any more lucky with him in my life.

I lifted myself from the door frame, walking towards F/n's room. Since she's been with her boo thing, she hasn't had a chance to clean and I'm feeling nice today. I grabbed one of the empty decorative boxes off of her shelf, scooping the rose petals into it gently. I cleared a shelf, setting up a display with the candles at each side of the box, putting the note in front. Satisfied with my creation, I headed down to have something to eat.

As I was washing dishes, I heard the front door open and close very quickly. I turned the water off and whipped around to talk to F/n but she wasn't in sight. With that, I heard her take off down the hallway.

"F/n! Are you okay?!"

There was no response. I heard her stomp into her room and slam the door.

"F/n!!!" I yelled again. I set the towel down and stood by the base of the stairs looking down the hallway. As soon as i stepped away from the stairs I heard a crash in her room, causing me to sprint to her room. I busted through her door like the FBI during a drug raid. 

The door opens, revealing her crying face down in her bed. "F/n, what's going on?!?!"

Her soft cries turn into sobs as i sit on the bed. What she told me next knocked me off my ass and truly broke my heart.

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