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Today was the day you were gonna tell Namjoon. It's been 2 days since he got home but you haven't left his side since the night you found the note. It's not that you were avoiding it, he literally wouldn't let you leave. He has a meeting to attend to with Jin today so it's the perfect opportunity to run to the store and grab a couple pregnancy tests.

You stand in the women's self-care isle, scanning the variety of pregnancy tests. "Why are there so many?? And why is this one $.89, but that one is almost $30??"

You rub your forehead in frustration as you try to decide the best one to get. As you read the back of one of the boxes, you feel a small tap on your shoulder.

"Get this one...." You look at the small, older blonde women standing next to you. You watch as she grabs a test off the shelf and hands it to you, taking the one you were reading from your hands. "They are all pretty much the same but this one is more accurate than the cheaper ones and does the same as the more expensive one's." She gives you a small smile as she pats your hand. You smile back, feeling a wave of relief wash over you.

You: "Thank you... Its just all so..."

Lady: "Confusing?" She chuckles.

You: "Yeah haha..." you look down at the test nervously.

Lady: "It's going to be okay, no matter what the answer! You're young sweetheart, you'll figure things out." She removes her reassuring hand from your back, making you feel cold. You thank the mysterious woman as she walks away, attending to her own matters.

You take a deep breath as you walk to the front to check out.

The whole drive home made you feel anxious. Thousands of thoughts and questions started dancing through your head, in a not so graceful way. You were so stressed in fact, you didn't even notice you were already in front of Namjoons door.

You quickly head inside and into the bathroom, carefully reading the directions of the pregnancy test. You pee on the stick and wait for the results to show. You looked at the test as if you didn't already know the answer. It's the 1st at home test you'd ever taken so hopefully it was done right. Sure enough as the minutes go by, the test reveals the inevitable truth, you're preggers.

You sigh in disappointment as you slide the test into the now unmarked box, closing it for Namjoon to open. Your plan was to call Namjoon into the bathroom when he got hom so you could hand him the box but when you heard his body plop down onto the bed with a loud sigh, you became discouraged.

You set the box down on the counter walking into the room. You knew something was wrong because he didn't announce that he was home, just walked in.

You: "Joonie... Is everything okay?" You stand in the doorway as you watch him rub his temples.

He takes a deep breath and sits up. "Yeah everything is fine, just stressed is all." He stands walking towards you, lightly kissing your forehead and gently nudging you aside. You move as he directed, letting him in the bathroom. Your eyes rest on the box as he turns on the sink.

You: "Namjoon, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about..." you say with a forced but believable smile.

He looks up at you through the mirror as he turns off the sink. He begins to unbutton his dress shirt. "Can it wait? I really just want to shower right now."

His voice is so monotone, empty of all emotion. Something is really bothering him but you don't wanna push it. You just nod and back out of the bathroom, closing the door gently as you hear the shower turn on. You walk towards the bed and plop down as he did when he came home. You didn't really look where you were laying but you felt something hard at the small of your back. You sit up and realize you laid on his phone. Oops...

You grab it, setting it on the nightstand but before you could let go of it fully, it vibrates. You didn't mean to read it honestly, just force of habit. As your eyes scan the message, you realize it's in Korean, but the name wasn't saved in his phone. When you clicked on it to see how long the message was, his phone unlocked. Shit, I didn't know there wasn't a password....

When the phone unlocks revealing the whole message, your shocked to see how long it was, even more shocked that at the end of this ridiculously long paragraph were some extremely questionable emojis. This unknown number is a women...

You feel your heart clash with your stomach as it drops in your body. You're not even really looking at the phone anymore. Your eyes are set on it but you're so lost in your thoughts and emotions that you've zoned out. So much so that you don't even realize Namjoon has finished his shower. Out of the corner of your eye you see the bathroom door open, Namjoon stepping into the room slowly, accompanied by steam. You look up from his phone, your teary eyes locking with his.

His face goes from confused, to sadness  at your look, to "oh shit" once he sees what you're holding, and then to anger. It happens in seconds, you know he must feel angry that your on his phone but you don't care right now, you just want answers.

He walks towards you in a huff, grabbing his phone from your hands and tossing it on the recliner in the corner. It startles you but your eyes never waver from him. You watch as he steps in front of you, towel still around his waist.

Namjoon: "I CANT BELIEVE THAT YOUD GO THROUGH MY PHONE. INVADE MY PRIVACY AND SPACE. SO WHAT, ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU DON'T TRUST ME?!" His yelling startles you as you feel the tears strolling down your face. You're frozen not knowing what to say, all you manage to get out are broken breaths. "You know what?! FUCK THIS!"

He angrily reaches out, forcefully grabbing your wrist and pulling you off the bed. "Nam.. Namjoon... Let go..." He doesn't say anything as he begins pulling you down the hallway. You put you free hand on his, trying to pry it off of you, resisting his pull with every step. "NAMJOON!!! You're hurting me!!!!" You say painfully as your voice cracks from the rush of emotions.

He doesn't stop, continues pulling and hurting you, all the way to the set of doors in the basement. "Why are we down he..."

He cuts you off "'StOp YoUr HuRtInG mE!" He says mockingly. "I'll show you real pain, you know nothing about real pain and hurt!"

His words cut through your heart like a knife. How could he say those things to you.... Still holding onto your wrist, he unlocks the door next to the pleasure room, a room you'd never seen before. You'd always wanted to know what was in here but as the door opened and you stumbled inside, you instantly regretted your curiosity.

Namjoon closes the door, pushing you up against one the cold poles that stood in the center of the room. You hissed as you felt the unsettling pressure between his body and the pole at your back. You looked up at him as fear poisoned your whole body. When your eyes meet, you see the devilish intentions shooting at you. "Welcome to the pain room!"

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