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Your phone goes off, causing you to wake up. You blindly search for it with your and, not wanting to open you eyes. Where is it? I know I set it on the night stand before I fell asleep. Frustrated, you open your eyes, not only to see not only is your phone missing, so is Namjoon. Huh.....

You: "Namjoon??"

No response.

You: "Helllooo?"

Still no answer.

You shrug your shoulders. Maybe he texted me. You lift  the blankets off your legs and hear a thug. You rolled your eyes. "Please don't be cracked!" you lean over the bed to grab it. It slid underneath a bit once it hit floor. One you grabbed it, you noticed a tiny black box right next to where it slid. "Huh... What's this?" you grab it and sit up in bed.

You shook the box to see if you could hear what was in it

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You shook the box to see if you could hear what was in it. This is so weird, this is the only thing that's under the bed. Maybe it fell under or got left? I really want to know what in here but Id feel wrong for opening it...

"Namjoon!!" you yelled this time, just to double check that he wasn't home.

No answer.

You take a deep breathe and slide the cover off the box. Inside there were three keys, they all had the letter P on them. One was gold, one was silver, and one was red. Why would he have three keys for three separate locks but have them all labeled the same?  You grabbed your phone to see if he had texted you but the only text you had gotten was a picture of Jimin and Skye holding Ivy. He had to have left some kind of note.... 

You put the cover back on the box and slide it under the bed, just in case he comes home. You get out of bed and head down the hallway, towards the kitchen. Sure enough, next to a muffin, there was a note. You walk over and grab it.


Sorry for not being here when you wake up, I got a call early this morning from Jin about the company. I have an emergency business meeting to attend to and won't be back until later in the afternoon. Text me if you go home, if not, there are left overs in the fridge for breakfast and lunch. Ill see you soon!


That's sweet... You smile to yourself but remember you're on a mission. You set the note down and look at the clock on the stove; 9:32 a.m.

"I've got time... I'll just start with all the closed doors in the house.." you look down the long hallway at all the rooms, "Shit, this is gonna take a long time.." You take a deep breathe and take off running down the hallway, almost diving onto the floor to grab the keys from under the bed. You start with the extra door in his bedroom, you thought it was a closet but you'd never seen inside it. you slowly turn the handle but it's not locked and sure enough, it's packed with clothes. You head down the hallway, turning each handle, but all 4 doors opened. Jesus how many rooms does this place have??

You went into the kitchen, opening and closing every cabinet and drawer. Then to the living room, no closet or cubby was left unturned. You were running out of places to look until you remembered there were a few rooms in the basement. You walked down the stairs, scoping out the pace. There was a door behind the bar, the bathroom, a closet and one extra door. The door behind the bar was just a shit ton of alcohol, the bathroom was a bathroom and the closet was just a bunch of pillows and blankets. That leaves you with one last known room in the house. This made you nervous... This had to be it, right?'

You nervously reach your hand out and turn the handle.... But it didn't open.. "Gotcha!" you whisper yelled. You reach in your pocket to grab the box of keys. You try one at a time but to your surprise, none of them worked. "OH COME ON!!" you kicked the door in frustration when something hard but small hit you on top of the head. "OW WHAT THE HELL???" You rubbed the spot where the object hit and looked at the ground. "No way... I'm not this lucky of a person and Namjoon's an idiot for leaving a key to a door on top of the frame." You pick the key up off of the ground and insert it into the handle. You take a deep breath and unlock the door. You slightly push it, letting it slowly swing open...

"You've got to be kidding me...." The door opens to a hallway leading outside. There are exactly three rooms. You're heart starts racing, scared of what you're going to find. What is it that he has to keep so secret that it's locked up?

You flip the light switch that's outside of the door, illuminating the hallway. There are two doors on the left and the third is on the right. You nervously stand in the middle of all three, debating on which one you should open first. You close your eyes, grabbing the key box once again. You look at the keys and then the doors to see if there's any coordination with the color of the key and the door but all the doors are the same. He must have it remembered by color. You decide to start with the first door on the left, one key at a time. Of course the last key you tried opens to door. You turn the key until the lock clicks and lightly push the door. The hinges begin to creek, causing your nerves to raise higher. You grab the handle, stopping the door from opening and take a deep breathe, "Come on.. you can do this.. How bad can it be? it's not like he killed someone...." You lift your head, close your eyes and push the door open, this time you push it hard, letting the door open at a fast pace. 

You slowly open your eyes and your breathe is literally taken away, so much so that you almost pas out. Everything was starting to make sense now but you were still so confused. I guess I just didn't realize Namjoon had this in him. No wonder he kept it locked away, this could really ruin his reputation as a business owner. What would people think of me if they knew about these rooms and Namjoon and I's relationship? And this was only one room... What did the others have in them? Is it worse than what I'm seeing here? As if that's even possible. If he ever finds out that I know about these rooms... What would he do to me? It's not like I'm scared of him, he'd never hurt me.... Right?

You step inside the room, flipping the light, allowing you to see from wall to wall. You walked back and forth, examining everything that was on display here. Touching and feeling the objects. There was a bench located towards the back wall, you walked over and sat down, back towards the door, contemplating about what this meant and how you would handle it. You wanted to leave, go back upstairs and lay in bed, forget that you ever found the keys. But you didn't want to leave either. You wanted to examine, learn and use what you saw here, with and without Namjoon. Still sitting on the bench, you lean forward opening one of the drawers, grabbing one of the smaller pieces and looking at it. You weren't naive, you knew what all of this was, how most of it worked, but you'd never used any of it. In that sense, you were innocent to it because of your lack of experience. You turned it on, not to use, just to see how it worked. You went to put it back when you felt a presence behind you. You didn't turn around, you just sat back down and dropped year head. Clenching your hands to the bench in frustration and excitement that you had been caught.

"I see you found my Pleasure Room Princess...."  

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