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You sat on the couch watching TV, it's a Saturday so you have the next couple of days off. You kept zoning out as the commercials flashed on the TV. You usually dont just sit here and watch shows all day but you were waiting on Skye to get here and had nothing better to do. You have your yearly OBGYN appointment today and hated going to them alone, your doctor was an old guy and he was super creepy.


You shuttered and shook your head trying to get the thought of the man out of your mind. You began to reflect on how things have been going for you lately. Now that I think about it.... things were going really well for my friends and I over the past 5 weeks.

Work was going smoothly and the grand opening was a huge success, better than you all thought it would be.

Skye was now officially done with school and could focus on work more. She was mostly happy to have free time for you and Jimin. You officially set her move in date, even though she was bringing her things to the house a little at a time. Her room was all painted thanks to Jimins help so all that was left was the decorating and furniture. Her lease at her apartment ends in 2 weeks so she's got some time to finish up.

It took a few days to get the sign for the store but you'll never forget when it arrived. The sign came late at night, which you would shortly find that it came late on purpose. While Jin and Jimin pulled the cover, revealing the sign, Namjoon whips out some flowers and a beautiful necklace, asking you to be his girlfriend. Of course you accepted, you'd be dumb not to!

Unfortunately, Namjoon has been away on a business trip in Korea, he left a week ago. You've been quite lonely since he left but you were happy that he was able to visit home, he's missed his parents and his sister was able to go with. You weren't worried he was going to cheat or anything like that but the fact that Geong was with him made you feel at peace. You're not sure when Namjoon is coming home because he wanted to surprise you. He is annoyingly good at grand gestures.

You hear your phone vibrate, braking your train of thought. You sit up grabbing your phone, sure enough Skye's here. You grab your things and head out the door and into Skye's car.

Skye: "So are you ready to see this gross vagina doctor?" She says with a smirk.

You look over in disgust, the guy literally makes you want to vomit. "Stop Skye that's not funny, this guy really freaks me out!!" You slap her arm slightly as she starts laughing at you.

You listened to Jay Park the whole way their, keeping your mind off your appointment, until you pulled up to the office.

You both head inside the office. Skye takes a seat as you get signed in. Before you could even sit down next to her the nurse sticks her head out of the door yelling your name. "Ms. L/n?! We are ready for you!"

Skye looks up at you rolling her eyes, the doctor was always so eager to get his patients in. "Nasty" she whispers as she gets up.

You both head back to the examination room after getting your height and weight."Dr. Joplin should be in momentarily!" The nurse says closing the door.

You: "Oh God, I'm so not ready for this..." you say pointing.

Skye: "come on, It'll be fine. He's nice, just creepy. We'll be outta here in no time!"

After about 15 minutes, Dr. Joplin steps in the room to ask you the routine questions.
1. Do you smoke? (No)
2. Do you drink? (Yes)
3.Are you depressed? (Nah)
4. Are you sexually active? (Hell yes I am)
5. Do you use protection? (Just birthcontrol)
6. Are you pregnant? (Nope)
7. Would you like any additional STD testing? (Yes)

Same questions every year, same answers. You always get tested, not because you thought the people you were engaged in sexual activity with were nasty, but because you wanted to make sure your body checked out.

After peeing in the different cups and getting your mouth swabbed, you sat back down waiting for a few of the results.

Dr. Joplin: "Okay Ms. L/n, as you know, only 2 of the results come back right away, the rest will take a few days! Any questions before I give you the results?"

You shook your head ready to get this over with.

He pulls the clipboard up and types away at the computer. All of a sudden he stops, and I mean everything. Its almost as though he's gone into shock. "Uhmmm, Mr. Joplin...? Is everyone okay??"

Dr. Joplin: "well F/n, it turns out you are pregnant, the test came back positive and everything else is looking great! I'm so happy for you! You're also clear of herpes! The rest of the results should be in in atleast 3 dah!"

Your and Skye's jaws drop as your hearing becomes muffled...

Your mouth becomes dry as your breath quickens. "There's.... there's no way... we used protection..."

Skye: "it's gonna be okay, it happens..." she says rubbing your back.

You're just so numb right now....

The doctor starts talking about options for the baby, doctors appointments, check ups and supplements, side effects and symptoms. But you hear none if it.

Skye knows you aren't paying attention so she's listening for you and speaking for you. "Could you just print us off a packet to look over, she needs some time to process so we need to leave. We will schedule a check up..."

Dr. Joplin: "Well we could always take a look now since you are here..."

You finally snap out of your trance like state. "I just need go fo home..."

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