Moving Day

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"Alright, I think that's the last of it!" Skye says putting her hands on her hips.

You hear Jimin running up the apartment stairs, trying to race to grab any of the last boxes. "whew, is that everything?"

You giggle at his eagerness to help. "Yeah that's it, the storage unit got all of the large furniture that we didn't have space for this morning so we should be all set!"

Almost out of breath, Jimin asks "Well what about the bed and stuff? It's just sitting by our cars."

Skye: "Oh yeah!! The moving van should be here soon! I made sure it was a decent size so that whatever didn't fit in our cars would fit in the van!"

As soon as Skye finished talking your hear a honk outside. "Right on time!"

You and Jimin head down the stairs, making sure everything gets into the van okay.

Skye's POV

All you can hear are the soles of your shoes hitting the wood floors throughout the apartment. All of the sounds coming from your body just echoed in this once furnished apartment. You walk though every room, checking and remembering.  You finally get back to the front door, saying your last goodbye.

"Well, it's been a good time staying here. I sure as hell wont miss the way this place looks but I will miss calling it home. It may not be the best place but it was home and that was enough... Goodbye apartment!" You feel a small smile creep across your face as you step out of the apartment, closing the door behind you. Once you hear the lock click for the last time, a single tear slowly runs down your right cheek.

Y/n: "Skye!! Everything is packed, lets go!" You hear her yell from the front lawn. You skip down the stairs and head to your car. You all had your cars packed full of stuff. You didn't realize how much you actually owned until you started moving out. It was mostly just clothes and furniture though. Luckily F/n's basement was practically empty.

You all get into your cars and drive to the house. You turn on some music to distract you from the drive. You'll miss the place but you're starting a new chapter in your life and you need to be there for F/n right now.

You all arrive and start unpacking your cars. You save the heavy stuff for last so you can have Jimin's help. 

In and out you all go, cautious not to drop anything or scrape the walls. The moving van was unpacked and in the house ready for arrangement. The move was going fairly smoothly, considering there was only three of you working on getting things done.

40 minutes go by and you are all almost done. F/n's car was completely unpacked along with Jimin's. There was only a few boxes left in your car, ugh yay its almost over!

You headed out to your car to grab the last box, passing a smiling Jimin carrying a heavy box. You told both of them you'd grab it. It's got the pregnancy books in it and the box has to be carried a certain way, otherwise it'll fall apart. You get to your trunk and see that it's empty.... SHIT!

You look over towards Jimin, seeing he's carrying the box. NO NO NO

You take off calling for him to stop but he just blows you off. "Hang on! Let me get this upstairs!" 


You rush into the house, trying not to slip on the hardwood floor. You grab onto the railing boosting yourself up the stairs but you trip on the one at the top. You caused a loud thud from hitting the ground but it didn't hurt, you were still determined to make sure that box didn't break apart, revealing the secret.

Your fall caused Jimin to stop at the end of the hallway and turn to look at you. "Skye! Are you okay?!"

You look at him with murderous eyes but they soon go wide as F/n comes rushing out of the room into the hallway, crashing into Jimin. He doesn't fall but he drops the box, causing it the tear open just enough for the books to slip out. Your arms collapse as you fall back onto the floor, sighing in defeat. "Damnit" You whisper into the floor. 

Your POV

Your unpacking Skye's clothes into her closet when you hear a loud thud. You were going to ignore it but then you heard Jimin. "Skye! Are you okay?!" He sounded really worried so you rushed out to see if she was okay, not knowing Jimin was standing right there. As soon as you take the corner you smack into him, watching the box he was holding collide with the floor. I hope there was nothing breakable in the there! By the looks of it, there was. Skye looked very upset and Jimin wasn't saying anything.

You reach out to touch Jimins back as he crouches to the ground "Jimin, Skye I'm so sor...." You stop speaking once you get a glimpse of what is at his feet. Skye instantly looks away and you freeze. 

He flips through the pages of one of the books and looks up at Skye

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He flips through the pages of one of the books and looks up at Skye. He looks back down at the books again, reading their covers. "Skye.... Are you pregnant..?"

Skye looks at you, almost with tears in her eyes.

You touch Jimin's shoulder, grabbing the book from his hand. "Jimin..." You crouch down next to him in the hallway, feeling tears come down your face. "This isn't how I wanted to tell you but... I'm pregnant, not Skye..."

He looks up from the ground and straight into your eyes. You can see a sliver of pain along with the confusion. His face was a whirlwind of emotions. He reaches his hand up, wiping the tears from your face. He looks deep into your eyes and all he says is "It's going to be okay. I love you..." 

You start crying even harder at his words, throwing your arms around him. You feel him hug you back, along with Skye. You all sat there in the hallway for quite some time just holding each other and crying. They were excited for you but confused at the same time, it hurt them seeing you like this and you knew that all they want is to see you happy. 

You will never forget this day....



I've been super nervous about this chapter so I hope you all like it!

I purple you all! 

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