Chapter two

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"Ryder, you down here?" The voice gets louder and closer

Ryder quickly drops me and pushes me behind a desk. I quickly duck behind it, pulling my legs up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them

Ryder coughs awkwardly his voice hoarse when he finally speaks "I'm here"

"Hey baby" the voice is loud, like it's right beside "I missed you"

"Sheila we broke up months ago" he huffs "in fact we were never a thing, I banged you a few times but I told you it wouldn't be anything more"

"We broke up because you were hanging around with that bitch Talia" Sheila hisses. What she's saying is true, her and Ryder never dated but she 'broke up' with him because she saw me as too much of a threat because we pranked each other. She left because she tried to hit me and on top of everything else she's done she got expelled "speaking of where is she. I saw you leave with her, guess my plan didn't work"

"You pushes her?"

Sheila let's out an evil laugh "For us baby. I had to scare her off, I mean why did she think she could come to one of my boyfriends parties"

I peak out from where I'm hiding. Ryder had his hand around Sheila's wrist "If you so much as touch her again, I swear to god you won't live to see another day. And don't call me your boyfriend because I would never look at you or her in any other way than a bitch and a girl who is so easy to get all I'd have to do is wink"

His words hit me. When did him trying to get rid of Sheila become an attack on me. Did he actually think so low of me? Was he right? I had just kissed him a few minutes ago

"She's the easy one not me!" Sheila shouts and I hear her stomping up the stairs and the door slam

"I didn't m-" Ryder's starts but I get up from where I'm hiding and stand on front of him

"All you have to do is wink?" I shout angrily but I can't help the single tear drop out of my watery eyes

"Talia" he shouts trying to get my attention but it's already too late because I'm half way up the stairs

I ignore everyone as I storm out and get into my car. Once I've driven of one tear turns to two and two turns to god knows how many. Ryder may have been a dick and we may have hated each other but we've never went as far as calling each other such things

I cleaned up my mess of a face before walking into my house. When I walked in Emily was sitting on the couch with Oli on her lap "Hey Lia, can we talk?"

I don't look her in the eyes because the girl knew me inside out and I didn't need to explain my mess of a rivalry with Ryder Smith

"Can we talk later, I've got to get ready for work" I say before walking up the stairs

"Okay sure" she says before directing her attention back to Oli

I go up to my room a close my door behind me. I put my already half broken phone on charge ignoring the notifications I'm getting from everyone.

I worked at a bar not far from where I lived, if was mostly locals that went to it so at times it was quiet and other times I was kept busy

Thankfully where I worked everyone knows the workers so there's not a strict uniform as long as it's mainly black. I put on some comfortable clothes and take off my messed up my make up. My good mood had disappeared a long time ago and I wasn't in the mood to pull myself out of it

 My good mood had disappeared a long time ago and I wasn't in the mood to pull myself out of it

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