Chapter twenty four

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A few more weeks passed and me and Ryder went back to normal and by normal I mean the original Talia and Ryder, the ones who made snarky comments in class about and too each other

An example would be right now, sitting in English which was the last class of the day

"For homework tonight, I want a minimum of a  hundred word essay about Instagram stalking and your opinion on it" Ms Henry says writing it on the board 

"Talia would know about that" Ryder smirks and a few people laugh

I roll my eyes "Says the king of Instagram stalking"

"That's not my thing babe"

"That why you liked my Instagram post from seven weeks ago yesterday, babe" I retort

"Alright that's enough you two" Ms Henry says with her arms crossed but I can see the smile itching to show on her face

After school I decided to go to Emily's place. There were two cars parked outside when I got there. I knocked on the door twice before I walked in

"Hello?" Emily shouted from another room

"Hey it's just me" I shout back

"We're in the living room"

When I walked in Emily was sitting on the sofa across from Alex and Oli was in his play pin

"Hey" I say and sit down on the bean bag beside Oli

"How was school?" Emily asks

"Same old, same old" I tell her "so what have you guys got up to today?"

"We went to the beach and then done a little bit of shopping" Emily tells me

"I hope she didn't dent your credit card too much" I direct my joke to Alex

He laughs "I'm well used to it now"

I get a message from Sarah a few minutes later

Hey can we meet up later?

I respond after a minute

Yeah I'm working a seven, call over whenever

Sarah answers saying that she'll come around nine which is when the bar usually gets quiet

"You working tonight?" Em asks me

I nod "yeah I start at seven until closing"

"Any plans for the weekend?"

"Nope" I shake my head "Need me to babysit?"

"Please" she smiles "it's just for a few hours tomorrow, you can bring him with you wherever you need to go"

I nod "baby daddy too busy?" I joke knowing they would get it

" Baby daddy is too busy bringing baby momma to her doctors appointment" Alex playfully rolls his eyes, a smile playing on his face "are you ever not going to be salty?" He asks

I lift Oli out of his play pin when he starts reaching out and rest him on my lap "you two literally had a whole ass relationship and a kid behind my back!"

"Oh get over it" Emily laughs "you're the queen of secret relationships"

I give her a fake smile and they just laugh

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