Chapter thirteen

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"Hey so was everything okay today?" I ask Cammy who's sitting on front of me. I'm currently working but there's only a few locals at the bar so Cammy decided to come meet me and get the gossip from the weekend

She looks up at me "Huh? Oh yeah I just decided not to come in" I nod "so anyway how was your weekend?" She wiggles her eyebrows

I roll my eyes "it's a long story"

"Luckily I've got time"

I let out a long breath "long story short I shouldn't have wasted my time with him. We slept in yesterday and the boys came around"

"Did the catch you?" 

I shake my head "No but I had to wait in his house all day while they played their 'basketball game' and guess who came back seven hours later"

She gasps "He didn't?"

"He did and with this fresh attitude like it was me that done something wrong, like he didn't tell me wait for him because I'd no car" her eyes widen "and then when I was leaving he as good as called me easy"

"What the fuck!"

I shrugged "I mean what was I expecting, he is Ryder Smith after all"

"Still a dick move though"

A few weeks had passed since the whole Ryder situation and almost everything went back to normal. I say almost because me and Ryder definitely haven't. Our project in English turned into a huge disaster and were soon going to find out the consequences to it. The old tricks we used to play on each other definitely aren't for fun anymore and we don't walk past each other with out muttering words like 'dick' and 'loser'

Mature, I know

I've just parked outside Emily's house. She asked me to babysit for her for awhile tonight. I step out into the cold winter air, the temperatures have dropped drastically so I've switched up my crop tops for sweatshirts and jumpers

"Hey" I say opening the door to her house. It was an open living space downstairs while all the bedrooms were upstairs along with the bathroom

"Hey T. Just back from the gym?"

I nod "Thought I'd get a quick session in before babysitting my favourite" 

Oli was playing with his toys on the living room floor so I went and sat down on front of him. I took off my jacket and scarf and left them on the chair

"So I should be back by midnight but feel free to go to bed and you know the deal with Oli"

I nod "go have some fun, we'll be fine"

I spent the next hour playing with Oli before I decided it was time to put him to bed and thankfully he went to sleep almost straight away for me. I sat on the couch and put on some music while I scrolled through social media to pass the time. I know Emily said I could stay at hers tonight but I've got work in the morning and the last thing I want to do is wake them if they're not already away

As promised Emily got back at 12am on the dot

"Hey, I thought you'd be asleep" she whispers sitting down on the opposite side of the couch as me

I shake my head "I've work tomorrow so I'm better to go home"

"You sure?" She asks and I nod my head

"So how was your night?"

She smiles "It was really good actually. I know going to the movies by yourself wouldn't be classed as cool but I find it really refreshing"

We talked for another couple of hours before I decided I better go home. Emily waved at me while I pulled out of her drive and with one last wave I was on the road home. Thankfully the roads were quiet because of the time and all the green traffic lights were on my side so the journey home was going to take a few minutes shorter

Well at least that's what I thought

I was driving through a intersection when bright white lights hit the left side of my face and I don't get to react before my car is hit with brutal force. The car tumbles and ends upside down the broken glass from windows surrounding me. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I assume it's someone coming to help but the blurriness and black spots start taking over. The person bends down beside me and the last thing I hear before darkness consumes me is a feminine all to familiar voice "I told you to stay away from him"

Emily's PoV

My phone buzzing woke me up just past 3am. I had just gotten Oli to go back to sleep for me so I knew how valuable my sleep time was. I pick it up from my bedside table to see it's the number of the local hospital

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself before pressing the green answer button "Hello?"

"Is this the sister of Talia Ramsay?" The sweet yet panicked feminine voice asks

I sit straight in my bed "Yeah it is. Is Talia ok?"

"She's been in an accident, you should get down here as soon as possible"

"I'm on my way"

I knew bringing Olly to the hospital wouldn't be a good idea so instead I done the only option I could think of. After a few seconds the person answers their phone


"Alex! I'm so sorry for calling you this late but I knew you kept your phone turned up and you were a light sleeper and I don't know what else to do so I cal-"

He interrupts my rambling "Hey, hey calm down Em. What's wrong"

I hadn't realised the tears had already started falling, that my worry for Talia had grown already "Talia..... s-shes been in an accident. She's at the hospital but I can't bring Oli"

"I'll be there in five minutes" he reassures me already knowing what I'm going to ask

Five minutes later there's a knock on the door and once I opened it I threw my arms around him. He rubbed my hair soothingly and whispered "everything's going to be alright"

After a few more seconds I realised that I shouldn't be wasting time so I take a step back "thanks so much Alex, I don't know what I'd have done without you. Feel free to go to bed, I don't know when I'll be back"

I got to the hospital in record time without driving dangerously and I as good as ran to the reception desk

"How can I help you?" The woman on the other side of the desk asks

"I'm looking for my sister Talia Ramsay"

The woman seems to notice my tear stained cheeks and gives me a sweet smile  "I'm sorry sweetie she's currently in an emergency surgery, if you could just wait in the waiting room the doctor will be out to update you in a little while"

"Is there any one else you'd like me to call?"

I shake my head no and thank her before sitting in one of the seats. Mom was away with her work pals at the minute and even if I did call her she wouldn't get back before tomorrow night at the earliest

"Talia I swear to god if you're not ok" I mutter to myself

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