Chapter nine

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My alarm stirs me awake Monday morning. I snuggle back under my covers, not planning on going to the gym because me and Cammy went out for dinner last night to catch up now that she got back and we may have had a few to many drinks. I got out of bed after my next alarm that I set last night

I have a quick shower and do my morning routine. I let my messy waves fall down my back to my waist and put on a grey crop top with some black leggings and oversized cardigan

 I let my messy waves fall down my back to my waist and put on a grey crop top with some black leggings and oversized cardigan

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"Do you always have to rub in your hangover free look?" I mutter sitting down beside my best friend

She grins at me "what can I say it's a talent"

"Hey guys" Tyler says and sits on the opposite side of the table. I caught Cammy up to everything that's been happening last night, leaving out mine and Ryder's conversation and we decided that we were probably going to stick to staying outside from now on

"Hey Tyler" we both reply

"How was your trip Cammy?" He asks

"So good, its so relaxing up there. You guys have to go" she gushes "so when's the gossip update been sent out?" Cammy sends me a smirk at this

I roll my eyes

"Tonight I think" he responds and I can see he's trying to hold back a grin

"Can't wait" Cammy enthusiastically responds

The bell to first class went and a few minutes later I was walking into English. The room was slowly filling up by the time I had taken my seat and only when my view was blocked by a toned chest did I look up. Ryder was standing on front of me with his arms crossed and a grin on his face

"What are you doing?"

"Standing on front of you. What does it look like" a smirk forms on his face "the views good from up here you should wear tops like that more often"

It takes me a few seconds to realise what he's talking about "You're a idiot"

He shrugs before walking to the table beside me. He pulls the table and chair closer to mine before sitting down on it

"You don't sit there"

"I do now"

The teacher walks in but much to my dismay she never says anything about Ryder moving seats. We were halfway through class before Ryder started annoying me

"You know I could definitely get used to this weather if you keep wearing outfits like that" he bends his head to the side and whispers

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