Chapter forty-three

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Truth or dare has been pretty uneventful. Helen hasn't lost her suspicious smirk seen Ryder, Molly and I walked in and took our seats on the ground

I agree, childish right?

"Talia truth or dare?" One of Helens 'friends' smirks after Helen whispers something to her

"Truth" I say not in the mood for their shit

"Bore" Cammy rolls her eyes but Helens smirk only grows

"Did you and Ryder ever sleep together or was that also a lie?"


"Cammy told us how you lied about your past to guilt trip her into being your friend"

I roll my eyes and swallow the vodka in front of me in one gulp "I never lied"

"About either?" Helen smirks

"Ask Ryder" I say looking at the boy beside me who looks anything but happy about the grilling I'm getting judging by the death glare Helens getting "Cammy would you mind saying that to my face?"

Cammys eye twitches

"Her right eye twitches when she's about to tell a lie, take notes, it'll happen a lot" I smirk

"I can also confirm she never lied about sleeping with me" Ryder adds with his own smirk "I mean those skills"

I throw a wink to a steaming Helen

The game continues on for another while and by the time my interest is peaked again Ryder and I had taken multiple turns in getting the next round of drinks

"Sean truth or dare?" Dani grins


"I dare you to give the girl your most interested in a hickey" she smirks and her eyes snap to Molly briefly

As expected Sean walks over to Molly and leans down behind her and moves her hair out of his way

Ryder and I exchange suspicious looks "that was done with ease" he whispers to me

I nod and whisper back 'it couldn't have been that easy if it was the first time"


Once Sean returns to his seat Molly looks over at me and I throw her a wink, to which she responds with a cheeky grin

"Cammy truth or dare" Helen says after a few minutes and they both grow scheming smiles


"I dare you to kiss" she looks around the circle to build apprehension "Ryder"

Cammy smirks and stands up

I roll my eyes and down yet another glass of vodka

Everyone's eyes are on Ryder and I. Dani and Molly look like they want to throw punches. Sean looks like he doesn't know what to do. Lorena with her boyfriend and Shay found tonight's hook up. And Ryder?

"Fuck this" he swallows his drink whole and stands up "I'm not playing your stupid games Helen and you" he turns his attention to Cammy "do you ever think about anyone but yourself? Because you will end up alone"

And the he leaves

"Ryder wait up" I shout once I get outside. I lost him between the cluster of people on the dance floor and he obviously couldn't hear me calling his name over the music "Ryder!"

I grab his arm once I catch up to him and spin him around so that he's facing me. He runs his hand through his hand, which reminds me I'm still wearing his cap, but I don't do anything about it.

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