Chapter twenty seven

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A few weeks have passed since our first appointment with Dr Greggs. I've actually started to show now but thankfully no one has noticed. Right now I'm at Ryders just after finishing an early shift at work

My phone rings with a FaceTime call from Sarah

"Hey" I say after I pick it up

"What's up b" she grins from across the phone "so I was wondering are you free Friday night?"

I nod "mhm"

She grins "Great! Me and Mike are thinking of having a pregnancy reveal party"

"That's amazing S, we'll be there"

"So hows the morning sickness?"

I sigh "morning sickness more like all day sickness"

"That bad?"

I nod

"Anyway I better go I've got to book the venue but I'll call you later?"

Ryder walks into the living room just as I put my phone down

"Heard about the reveal party?" He states rather than asks as he drops himself down onto the chair across from me

I nod "Maybe that's what we should do invite everyone over for a 'house warming party' and then drop it on them" I joke

He laughs "Now that Id like to see" he looks at the television before turning back to me "has your mum not been sus about the whole never being at home"

"She probably just thinks I'm over here for booty calls"

"If only" he smirks

"I knew you only wanted me for sex" I joke

"And that's why I ditched you when you got pregnant"

I laugh and stick my middle finger up at him

"Oh hey sis" Emily says once I walk into the kitchen on Friday morning

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask her sitting down across from her

"Thought I'd pop over quickly on my way to collect Oli from Alex"

I nod "so how is everything with you and baby daddy?" I ask

"Smooth sailing, we're keeping it at friends though"

Just as Emily finishes her sentence mom walks in "don't be silly" she laughs "baby mommy and baby daddy usually always end up together for awhile anyway"

Emily laughs "Who knows"

"I can't wait to say I told you so" Mom grins

"Anyway I need to shower and get ready for Sarah's housewarming party tonight" I say standing up "but I'll call over soon I promise"

She nods and stands up grabbing her key "I have to go now anyway or I'll be late" she gives me a quick hug and then mom before disappearing

Mom watches after her "Oliver was the best thing that could have happened to Em"

"You think?" I ask feeling hopeful she's going to say something that'll make me feel better about my situation

She nods and looks back at me "It took her awhile but it's the best thing that happened to her"

"What about me?" I laugh nervously

Her smile suddenly drops "what?"

"What would a baby do to me?" I suddenly regret ever speaking

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